Anyone else get A-Level results today?

Dont know how many other UK college students frequent these boards, but there must be some other people celebrating (or frantically telephoning Universities).

I got my A-Level results today, and did better than expected:

Physics (B), Biology (B) and Maths (A).

This sets me on the course to study for an MEng in Aeronautical Engineering at Glasgow University. Very cool. (well, not that ‘cool’, but I like the sound of it!)

How did everyone else do, and what are your ambitions now?


Shouldn’t you have got straight As?

After all, A-levels are dead easy nowadays.

Just kidding!

Congrats! And enjoy university while it lasts. It goes way too quickly. I start my final year next month. :eek:


Glad to finally be getting to Uni, should have gone last year, but had a car accident and was forced to re-take a year. Hated spending another year at college.

My baby sister got her A/S…3 A’s and a B…she’s reasonably happy.
No doubt she is drinking herself under a table as we speak…

She’ll resit that on module, is aiming for 4 As and trying to get into law somewhere nice.