Anyone else here NOT own a pet?

I don’t have any pets, but not because I don’t really, really want a kitty, but because I keep ending up in apartments that don’t allow them.

I occasionally go to the local Petsmart where they have cats for adoption and play with them to get my kitty fix. If my schedule worked out with them I’d volunteer, but right now when they need someone to come and clean and take care of the cats always seems to be when I can make it on a regular basis.

No pets allowed in our condo. I’d love to be able to have a dog, but I would not want to have one if it could not have a yard to play in. For various reasons, it’s more practical for us to live in a condo rather than a house.

But as the Board knows by now, we’ve fallen into an odd situation in which a pair of pigeons has moved onto our balcony and keeps hatching eggs. We give them fresh water and clean up after them; that’s as close as we can get.

No pets here. Part of it is simply my immediately previous housing situation was too damned many pets. My former housemate had three or four dogs, and cats. After I left I wanted to be pet free for a bit.

Now that it’s a few years later, I’m starting to jones for having a dog around - but my apartment building is cats and small dogs only, and I wouldn’t care for a small dog. (I don’t want a Great Dane or anything, but something large enough to scritch without having to crouch would be a good thing.) Now I’m thinking that getting a dog would have a number of health benefits for me - not least being the requirement to leave the apartment for walks/toileting. But I’d have to negotiate a change the pet policy for myself. Not necessarily impossible, but not easy, either.

I’m still not sure it’s a good idea, though.

I have:

No pets.
No plants.
No property.
No progeny.

Therefore I have:

No problems.


I don’t have pets.

I really do want a cat.

I’ve had dogs (when I was young). Dogs are stupid and they shit everywhere. Sure, they’re loyal and friendly, but only because they don’t know any better. Dogs are the simple fools of the animal kingdom. Always a Lenny to you as George. You love them, but it’s never out of respect. Only pity. Tolerance and pity. They need you. You tolerate the constant slobber and feces.

I’ll never willingly own another dog. Not worth it, IMO.

I would really like a cat - but I’m quite allergic.

Interestingly, I seem to have become allergic to dogs as well. I never noticed it when I was living with my parents (they had two dogs) but after a few years away I get a pretty strong allergic reaction when I go to visit (the beagle remains). I just went to my boss’s Christmas party and felt the same way (he has a dog). I really think I’ve developed a new allergy as an adult to dogs.

I love animals, I just don’t love them to be in my house. I enjoy playing with my family and friend’s pets- all of the fun and none of the mud, bugs, crap, and hair all over your house.

I would love a pet, but I am not that good at keeping me, let along an animal. I am not a tidy man and an animal would just make things much worse.

Only if you count my brothers.

I’m a consultant, working on international projects. In the last 5 years, I’ve spent 30 days or more in over a dozen countries. For an animal, that kind of setup wouldn’t be a home, it would be torture.

The guy who claimed to have been captured by a Big Foot family said that they kept him as a pet. I’ve always wondered how a Big Foot would treat a human as a pet.

Did they put him on a leash? Did they pet him and give him treats when he did tricks? Did they make him go “outside” as a “bathroom”? Did they give him a bath when they thought he was too dirty? Did they give him scraps from their meals?

Of course the scenario was fake, but the concept is amusing.

I love visiting houses with dogs. Don’t want to live with one. I have had a few thrust upon me but none have worked out. I hope to never have a dog again. Unless there is a surprise when I get home on leave. I wouldn’t even consider any other animal for a pet.

No pet here. The only pets I’ve owned were goldfish.

No pets - the closest thing I have is a neighborhood cat, Shivers. He’ll stop by for a snack or to sleep on our glass porch when it’s really cold out. I haven’t seen him for days.

We had animals growing up but I just don’t want to clean up after something at this point in my life. I don’t want to have to find something to get that smell out of my stuff. I want simple and clean.

I would never have a bird. I think it’s because I live in a family of hunters so I have the underlying mentality of “it flies, it dies” - when I see something flying I picture it cooked. Not good for the flying squirrels, but I digress…

Anyway, when I get done with school and all this BS and I have my own place again I may get two dogs for protection - something like German Shepherds or Dobermans. But not really for companionship. I need workers, not new babies.

Not any more.
I used to have a couple of cats when I was young, but they ran away.
Pets seem like a big responsibility, and I would only end up guilty when I killed them.
(Notice that I didn’t say if)

No pets, none at all. I had all manner of animals when I was a kid, but as an adult I’m just not that interested. I too love visiting homes that have dogs, and the dogs will love me because I will pet them into comas or play with them until I’ve had my fill of throwing a ball or Frisbee, which can be for hours. I’d never even consider having any animal again until I can have the land that I think they should have, and remain in. My pets would tend to be outside pets.

Like Scissorjack I too am highly suspect of people who are just a little bit too into their pets. Animals are animals and while some of them are pretty neat, they’re most decidedly not small retarded children wearing furry suits. Anyone who treats a pet as more than a friendly animal is veering towards mental health issues in my book.

I haven’t had a pet since late 2005. My (then) wife got two new puppies in spring of 2006, but I never really considered them ours, as I was and am still grieving.

We do right now (guinea pigs) but mainly because of the kids; if it weren’t for them, we wouldn’t bother.

We have had pets as adults - 20+ years ago we had cats, and though there was the hassle of fur everywhere and barfing and litterbox duty, and petsitting if you want to travel, there was a lot to be said for “fur therapy” where you’re having a crappy day, and come home, and the cat just wants to sit on you and relax and purr.

Then the allergies got bad, and we had to re-home the cats. We were pet-free for 15 years until the kids got to the age of wanting pets.

Mammal pets are out–I’m allergic to anything with hair. Non-mammal pets don’t excite me.

It’s probably just as well, as otherwise I’d be one of those deranged hermits whose house is overrun with cats.

No pets. I liked pets as a kid, but now I really don’t want the hassle of feeding, cleaning up messes, keeping them healthy, etc. Plus if you go anywhere you have to ask someone to look after them.

Actually, I think that’s a perfectly apt description.