Anyone ever recognize someone from online porn?

Through many years of dedicated surfing within the free porn sites, filled with amateurs, I have always hoped to see someone I knew in the act. I would just get the biggest kick out it. If that person was I girl that I’d always wanted to see naked, it would be the coolest.

Unfotunately, despite hundreds of hours of dedicated searching, I have yet to see naked pictures of anyone I knew online. Have any of you surfed the net and found porn pics of people you know?

Indeed I have. A girl I dated once turned up on an amateur bondage site. It was softcore, but definitely her.

Should I really have admitted this?

<sings> My blood ran cold … </sings>

I came across a “Mardi Gras flasher” photo that looked a lot like an ex-girlfriend, but I’m not at all certain. Considering I used to live in New Orleans, as did she, it’s entirely possible.

Whatever you do, folks: no pictures, OK?

Nope, never have recognized anyone I knew, but someone recognized me.


How did you handle that?

An online correspondent of mine sent me photos of himself once that I came across sometime later on a yahoogroup.

Awww…you’re no fun. :stuck_out_tongue:

Yes I have… It was quite funny…

I found my ex-girlfriends old college roommate… she was flashing at a rave-type party… she was a nut… always dressing in 10 year old clothing… pink hair… wearing candy jewlery… but she was cute :wink:

I laughed my ass off for a bit… and then sent it to a bunch of my ex’s old friends… and I was like… “is this her” and they all said yes… he he he…

Well, it was kind of awkward because I didn’t know about them. They were on some amatuer site where people sent in submissions. I recognized the settings right away and know who had sent it in. As for what I did when someone recognized me? Well I just said, “Boy that guy sure looks just like me, huh?”


teehee :smiley:

Several girls from my high school were in Playboy, at one point or another. I would suppose that one could find these pix online and that they could, in a very general sense, be classified as porn. But I found them the old fashioned way: a classmate alerted me to them. Ironically, one of them was a girl that I’d dated a bit (not seriously), and I finally saw her photo by requesting the magazine from the Library of Congress. I was actually researching a paper on the Sandinistas. She looked very nice in the picture (girls of the ACC).

I saw someone I’d known years before, and came very near to dating. Giving a blowjob.


I’d lost her phone number, damnit!

Well, I have friends that do porn semi-professionally that I have seen. Does that count? I lost count of how many there were since there were so many. I can think of 7 people very easily offhand. This doesn’t count the ones I have seen and known in passing.

Hell, a gross pornstar kept flirting with me at a bar one of the last times I went. He was getting pretty worn out looking by then. He stuck a cigarette into the socket of the missing top tooth (one of the 2 front incissors), kept it there, while sucking off smoke from it. Blech! That was so foul.

I had some rather pornographic pictures of an ex-gf sent to me.

One week after we broke up.

Nice to know she wasn’t cheating on me or anything :confused:

Not something I personally discovered, but a guy that was two years behind me in high school went on to become a major gay porn star (Ty Fox), keeping that as a secret life while living a public life as a husband and gym teacher and coach for a public high school in the area. He was outed somehow, and the story made the local news.

Not quite porn, but a girl I went to high school with is/was the lead dancer at the Lido, in Paris. There are pictures of her on stage on their website that would not be acceptable in Muslim nations.

A girl I once worked with appeared in a Girls Gone Wild commercial, flashing the camera. It’s not quite online, but I’d bet it exists on some P2P server out there. I’d think it’s safe to say she’s probably in the video as well. I haven’t seen her since before I saw the commercial, but it’ll be mighty hard to keep a straight face if I ever run into her.

names are changed to protect the innocent…

one of my old uni mates used to be a real porn-mag fan - he held a subscription to a number of mags - they used to arrive to the house in nice discreet envelopes. We shall call him “Dave”.

At the time i was living with him and two other girls that we went to uni with. Aside from his strange reading habits - which he was perfectly open about - he was a nice enough guy and we all got on great.

So one august day one of the girls (who will be known as “Mel”) managed to persuade me to cut the grass in the garden so that she could work on her tan in the privacy of our fern rimmed garden without being perved at by sad desperate guys.

After i’d done the hard bit we both ended up out there (it was a truly gorgeous day) - her lying on a towel sunbathing and me sitting in a deck chair reading and trying desperately hard not to look down her bikini top.

i’d like to say i was doing this because i’m a decent guy and perving over one of my best friends was just something the thought of which appalled me. In reality though it was because i knew she would hurt me if i got caught.

Anyway, about two o’clock in the afternoon Dave finally rose from bed and decided to join us in the garden. He brough with him his first cuppa of the day and his newly arrived issue of “Men Only”.

Occasionally he’d pass comment on a girl he deemed particularly worthy and turn the mag round for our comments - it had become pretty much the standard (if slightly bizarre) routine by then - normally stuff like:

Dave: This one’s nice - Sarah from Nottingham.

Garius: Nice Legs. Very pretty. I like the way she’s washing that car - very original.

Mel: That soap will ruin her skin. Anyway I thought you didn’t like Ginger women…


Dave: Hey! Take a look at Claire from Basingstoke. Now that is a nice pair of breasts.

Garius: Fake.

Dave: How do you know smart-arse??

Garius: Easy - look at the way she’s lying - see the shape they’ve kind of rested in? Mel was lying like that earlier and hers were completely diff…


Anyway, towards the end of the mag he just stops and goes quiet suddenly…

D: Wow.

G: What?

D: Wow.

G: Show me…

G: WOW. I never thought cornflakes and milk could be sexy. And is that a birthmark on her thigh or a tattoo? whatever it is its gorgeous!

D: Well its official. “Lucy 19 into Fast Cars and Older Men” i officially love you.

G: I don’t blame you. Hey she’s from Haslemere - Mel aren’t you from haslemere?? Maybe you went to school with her! hahahahaha.

M: Very funny. Come on - show me what all the fuss is about then…

Suddenly she went bright red.

G: Um…you okay??

M: No! That can’t be! Thats my Cousin!

Of course we didn’t believe her. Eventually she went upstairs and got a photo to prove it. Sure enough - the shy, quiet, sweet little cousin that she had gone to a private girls-school school with was now doing some incredibly suggestive things with milk and a bowl of cornflakes.

We almost died with laughter. Mel - though she did giggle at it - was incredibly embarrased and refused point blank to ever ask her cousin about it - plus it must be kinda disturbing to picture your cousing that way every time you think about her. Lucy must have been popular with the other readers too - because she appeared semi-regularly after that (well…um…so i’am told…)

The best part was that about 5 months later the Lady Lucy herself visited us. Mel swore us to secrecy on pain of death.

It didn’t stop us filling the cupboards with boxes of cornflakes though and buying about 30 pints of milk. Which earnt us an amused look from Lucy (I think she guessed that we knew) and a serious sulk-attack from Mel.

All i can remember thinking is that she seemed shorter in person…