Anyone going to Comdex?

I get to go to Comdex in Vegas all next week! Sure I have to work at my company’s booth as an exibitor, but my hours are timed so I can actually enjoy Vegas! Is there anyone else on the boards going?

No, only my boss gets to go. I almost got to go last year :frowning: Maybe next year I’ll get to go :smiley:

This is actually going to be my first time going there. There’s a sneak preview on ZDnet that shows some of the items to look out for. The coolest one I saw was a mouse that has a built in thumbprint scanner for biometric identification. (Though I’m sure there will be far cooler items there)

What company do you work for Dilbert? Is your boss just attending, or will your company have a booth?

Mr. killdare is going to Comdex. Keep an eye on him for me, will you Brian? :wink:

BrYan! BRYAN! With a Y.

Beg your pardon.

You got it Katie. :wink:

I sort of wish more Dopers were going. I’m was thinking an impromptu Vegas Dopefest…

I was late in seeing this thread, but I’ll be at Comdex. Leaving later today in fact. I’d be up for a later in the week impromptu dopefest.