See, my doc has informed me that the latest bout of tonsillitis is caused by cryptic tonsillosis (my tonsils pick up bits of food that incubate the bacteria, then my tonsils get septic again). This will keep happening until I get them removed.
This doesn’t surprise me at all. I know that my tonsils turned to the dark side a long time ago. However, I also know that having a tonsillectomy as an adult is a whole lot rougher than as a kid. I know my doc will take good care of me, give me lots of pain meds, and instruct my parents to make tons of Jello while I’m recuperating, but advice by the Dopers is always welcome.
I had mine out as a kid, but my SO-at-the-time had his removed when he was 21. I was there every hour of the day from the morning of his surgery up until about two weeks later. It hurt him pretty bad, but they had gave his insane amounts of Lortab since he was expected to hurt more than a kid would. Stock up on ice cream, Jell-O, and crushed ice. I don’t know if one’s available, but a loving, attentive ‘nurse’ is always a definite plus.
All in all, there isn’t much you can do other than eat soft, smooth things and keep taking the meds before the pain starts to come back. It isn’t a horrible experience, and if all goes well, you won’t remember much of it.
I had my tonsils removed at 15 years old. It hurt like hell. And it hurt to swallow ANYTHING. Even water. I took the drugs, but it was very hard to get them down BECAUSE MY THROAT WAS CARVED UP LIKE A PUMPKIN! It really hurts. Don’t let anyone tell you anything different.
I had my tonsils removed at 15 years old. It hurt like hell. And it hurt to swallow ANYTHING. Even water. I took the drugs, but it was very hard to get them down BECAUSE MY THROAT WAS CARVED UP LIKE A PUMPKIN! It really hurts. Don’t let anyone tell you anything different.
I had my tonsils out when I was 21, and it was painful for about three or four days, and it really affected my speech for a while, but all in all, I’m really glad I got them out, since I was sick ALL THE TIME because of those damn things.
Plus, I got to lay on my mom’s back porch in the sun for a week, just resting. It was awesome.
I had them out four years ago (I was 30 at the time). It was very painful for two weeks then I started feeling better. Avoid ice cream–it coats your throat and doesn’t feel good. Fruit flavored popsicles were great for the pain (well, that and a healthy dose of Lorezapam!) Tylenol is available in liquid form, too, so you don’t have to swallow any pills.
A friend of mine had them lasered out but it took three treatments to get them all out completely. He said it was like recovering from the surgery three separate times! Yikes! Wouldn’t have wanted to go there!
My father had his out as an adult. He’d insisted upon it, although his doctor didn’t think it was necessary. I think he regretted it later, because it was very painful. But if your doctor thinks you need it then maybe it will be worth it.
I realize that I haven’t been of much help here, but my real reason for posting is to share this wonderful story about my father’s operation. While he was recovering in the hospital, there was a series of bomb threats and the ward had to be evacuated several times. As it turned out the culprit was the patient in the bed next to my father, but as my father was unable to speak he couldn’t tell anyone what was going on! It was days before he managed to get paper and a pen and write my mother a note about it.
I was nineteen. It hurt, but it wasn’t painful for long. I had some nicey nice drugs and lots of popsicles, and I was a happy girl. It was a week before it stopped hurting and was just a bit scratchy.
I won’t go into the horrifying details of my tonsillectomy last year, but I will just toss a few things out there. I agree with the advice NOT to eat ice cream or any dairy for a while, it does coat your throat, and for me, led to piercing ear pain. (Ear pain usually starts a few days after the surgery, and for me, was almost as painful as my throat. I was so disappointed that I couldn’t live on milkshakes for a week.)Popsicles are better. Liquid Tylenol is good, but for me I needed more than I was allowed, and be careful not to take too much Tylenol. I ended up with liquid baby ibuprofin, it was easier on my stomach. Also, make sure you can tolerate any painkillers that are prescribed to you, I found out I was allergic to Codeine, and wish to spare you the hell that is vomiting for 2 days after a tonsillectomy.
Using a humidifier / vaporizer helped me breathe and helped keep my throat moist.
I had the same condition as you, where food, or basically anything would trigger my tonsils to expand to golf-ball size. In the end it was worth having them out, but for about a month I wished I hadn’t done it. I think I was a worst-case scenario, however. I was not able to work for over 4 weeks. Now I can go through allergy and cold season without having a sore throat every day.
Only people who have had their tonsils out as adults understand and will sympathize with you. People who had them out as children will think you are exaggerating or that it’s really not a big deal.
My voice was affected for a few months, but returned to normal. It hurt to talk for a while, for about a week I really couldn’t talk at all.
I wish I had gotten them out as a child, it would have saved me 10 years of throat pain.
Yep, it sucks. I was 20…21(?) and it hurt like hell. I had laser surgery, which was supposed to be better…but I don’t know.
I also had the nasty experience of bleeding after 2 days, so they took a sulpher stick and rubbed it around my throat- it tasted like I ate matches for 3 days. Yuck.
Get the good drugs and popsicles- no ice cream (as previously noted). Screw the Tylenol, go for the strong stuff. Use it as an excuse to take time off of work and recover.
But it was well worth it- no more throat pain and sicknesses during the winter.
I too had my tonsils out at 21, and, like Velma, found out I was allergic to the Liquid Tylenol with Codeine (specifically the Codeine) 3 days of vomitting after having your tonsils out wreaks HAVOC on the incisions. I now have huge scars where the incisions were. Make SURE you’re not allergic to Codeine.
I couldn’t talk or eat anything but water and cold beef consume for about 3 weeks. I ended up losing about 15 lbs.
Well, my doc promised me Percoset. Will that work? I know I can handle codeine, because I’ve had that before. Works like a charm on me. First the pain goes away, then I sleep like a wet lump for three hours.
I am getting the drift that ice cream is a Very Bad Thing. Gotcha.
I personally had my tonsils out as a small child, but my mother had her tonsils out three years ago at 56. Her surgery went very well, and with her pain killers she was eating Chrismas dinner two days later. She did not really have any complications and went through it quite well. She did rely on the pain killers though, to get through the rough spots.
I add this only to put in a good success story.