Anyone have Fitocracy invites?

That looks really cool. I’ll take an invite if anybody has one.

I’d like an invite too, if anyone has one free.


Sent invites to both of you.

I would really really like one too! I’m not sure who still has invites left…

Which both? I didn’t see one…would still love one if anyone has any available!

This looks like it could be pretty cool. If anyone has a spare invite, I would love to check it out with you guys! Just hit me up via pm and I’ll get you my e-mail. Thanks!

Thanks for the invite, Hal, much appreciated!

I guess I’d better, you know, do some of that exercise stuff now…

Thanks for the invite, Angel. This site looks pretty cool.

Thanks, darlin’. You’re a peach!

Any more invites? My email should be in my profile.

Still haven’t gotten one–if anyone has any, please toss one my way. This out-of-shape WoW player needs some motivation to start exercising again! :smiley:

Thanks muchly to whoever sent me the invite! :smiley:

ETA: Weird, I got two–one that didn’t say who it was from, then another from CrazyCatLady. Can I just forward one of them on to somebody else?

Thanks Infovore!

That was probably me. I have five invites left, and I’m just throwing them at whomever wants them.

I would love an invite if someone has one kicking around.

Got one. Thank you kindly. :slight_smile:

I would love an invite too, if there are any left.


I’d like an invite too, if anyone has any…