Anyone have Fitocracy invites?

I’d really like one.

My email should be in my profile - if it’s not, PM me and I’ll give you my email

Sent invites to the emails listed in your profiles.

Thank you, Clockwork!

Thanks Clockwork!

If any of you still have an invitation and are feeling generous, I would be ever so grateful. :smiley:

This looks so cool! I think I need a little competition to ramp up my exercise.

If you’ve got an extra invite I’d be ever so grateful. Thanks.

I’ve made an SDMB Fitocracy group! Separate thread here.

I sent invites out to velvetjones and HappyDays (I used the e-mail I found on your linked blog… hope that’s okay).

I’d certainly like to give it a go, if anyone has an invite left.

Sent ya one, Ann Onimous.

If there’s still an invite left out there, that looks like it could be fun, email in profile.

I just went to the Fitocracy site, and it looks like you can request invites right there. Is there a reason you guys are requesting invites from each other? I’d like one, BTW.

I tried that and got a message that I’ll be notified when the site goes public.

I’d like one too, please.

I’d like to give it a try, if anyone has any invites left. My email is in my profile. Thanks!

That’s four more sent out. Glad to see there’s so much interest already!

Got it, thank you.

If anyone has any invites left could you please send one my way? Thanks.

This sounds interesting. I’ll take one.

Done up to this point - invites sent.

Thank you!