Anyone invent a new dish lately?

I made a new breakfast treat that may sweep the nation soon.:smiley:

I had leftover okra creole. (been on an okra kick lately). So, I heated up the okra creole, put it on a plate, and atop that place two poached eggs. It was great! Now I just need to name it.

Anyone else?

Just last week I invented BBQ Spaghetti. I was heating up a Stouffer’s frozen Spaghetti & Meatballs entree here at work (yes, I’m quite the gourmet). It didn’t have enough sauce to meet my high standards so I looked in the Community Fridge for something to add to it.

I found a bottle of Rudy’s BBQ Sauce (wonderful stuff) and thought “Why not?” I added a liberal amount and put it back in the microwave. I was very pleased with the result.

I intend to patent, trademark, and copyright my creation. I’m thinking of trying BBQ Lasagne next.

Da-yum that sounds yummy! I loves me some good okra.

Hate to burst your bubble, but BBQ spaghetti has been around forever in Memphis. It’s usually made with bbq (pork shoulder) though. There’s also BBQ salad, BBQ nachos, BBQ bologna, BBQ pizza . . . .

Dammit! I’m glad I didn’t quit my job to start a restaurant. I still think BBQ Lasagne has potential though.

Not so much as invented. But I learned that prechopped coleslaw mix gone bad (ferment) can make a new cabbage pickle that is interesting and delicious. Might have some practical salad and braising uses. Could be a boon for corporations like Dole that might want to cut waste and introduce an ever so popular in marketing, dual purpose food product… Coleslaw to kimchee… maybe send it to market fresh and oinclude instructions for natural ferment… let sit for 12-14 days in the fridge, serve.

It’s such a mild, and fresh pickle, crispy and agreeable, that even people who hate Sauerkraut might like it.

There have always been pizza bagels, but this one is a bagel pizza. I started out with a pizza crust, then added onion, chunks of cream cheese and lox.