Here is the situation that I’m trying to help my friend with (details are as best as I understand them–I may need to ask her for clarification and amend these if you guys ask me questions):
She worked for the Coast Guard for 9 years, and left early this spring. She’s been a full time student for a few years as well (I know her from school). She was having a lot of problems (depression, PTSD, anxiety, etc) and was on a lot of medication and going to doctors, etc. She had actually applied for their disability benefits, but was denied. Anyway, she applied for unemployment, but said that because of some issues she was having with some of her medications, she didn’t feel like she was able to work right away [meaning she needed a week or so to get her meds sorted out with her doctor before she started looking for a job]. She was awarded benefits, though they withhold the first week’s benefits, apparently, as standard procedure. (If she had known that ahead of time, she wouldn’t have bothered to say that she wasn’t able to work for the first week.) Then the benefits stopped because they needed some form, which she gave them, and they started again.
Six weeks into her unemployment, they said that the decision had been reversed because if you’re unable to work, you’re not eligible for unemployment benefits. They wanted her to pay back $1900. They said she could appeal it if she could provide proof that she was able to work. She appealed and got them two letters as proof, at least one of which was from a doctor (maybe both). They said that the situation at the beginning was temporary and had been resolved, and that she was seeking employment and able to work.
Today her appeal was denied and they’re demanding the money. She called me in tears and has no idea what to do.
Is there a trick to this? Is there some sort of advocate she can talk to who could help her with her next appeal? Is there some invisible hoop she isn’t jumping through? She is working on finishing a 15 page essay that is due this afternoon for her summer class so I told her to try not to think about it and I’d see if I could find any advice for her.