I discovered it about a week ago and am trying to get caught up. It’s a weekly mission to review each and every episode of Star Trek in order of broadcast. All 726 of them.
Produced by Roddenberry Entertainment and Nerdist Industries, the two hosts (John Champion and Ken Ray) have access to behind the scene information that is even news to this long time fan of the show. It’s also quite amusing at times. I’m trying to get caught up by listening to one podcast per day (which seem to average about 45 minutes) at which point I can follow them once a week as they are produced.
Highly recommended for fans of the series and it’s quickly become one of my favorite podcasts.
I’ve been listening since they were about seven or eight episodes in. It’s interesting to get a new look at episodes that I’ve seen multiple times (although I haven’t watched much TOS in many years).
They’re pretty funny discussing the odd plot oversights and illogical character actions that occasionally show up - The most recent show covered the third season episode ‘Wink on an Eye’ and the riff they had on the red shirt Compton was hilarious.
Almost caught up at which point I will have to start catching them once a week as they are released. On the plus side, I will be able to catch up on some podcasts I have been neglecting.
The voice of the computer is hysterically funny at times and actually seems to have a personality. “Her” Gorn puns had me in stitches:
What’s best selling snack in The Arena? Pop-Gorn. All this running and fighting and sweating makes me a little Gorny. Forced to fight whether he wants to or not. One could say that Kirk faces a Gorn Ultimatum. It’s a good thing the Gorn is wearing clothes; otherwise it would be Gornagraphic.