I haven’t really seen Arafat on TV in a while, so he might be suffering from Parkinson’s or something, but. . .
When he was on camera for comments shortly after the *bombings, his mouth was noticeably trembling. My guess was that it was either a) a put-on, b) a real reaction, or c) some medical condition.
My opinion is that it’s a real reaction. (All following comments are strictly MHO).
He realizes that public opinion has or is going to turn radically against him. The footage of the Palestinians celebrating in Nablus was possibly the worst public relations he could have with the West. Though the PLO stopped the celebrations (to my knowledge), the images still remain, and he knows that American public opinion will fall solidly on the Israeli side in future conflicts.
Basically, he knows he’s fucked and there’s nothing he can do about it; condemning the tragedy and giving blood are good soundbites, but when the average American (I’m going by my feelings and what friends/coworkers have said) compares that to the celebrations… well … I’m probably no longer as impartial as I tried to be just three days ago.
So I gather he probably has it, or a disease with similiar symptoms like Huntington’s, but no one in the Palestinian organization is going to confirm it.
I’ve seen his lip and hands trembling on many occasions. Offhand, I’d guess he has Parkinson’s and doesn’t want to admit it publicly for fear that it would make him look weak.
It’s fairly common knowledge that he has Parkinson’s disease or other closely-related illness. IIRC, on a ‘60 minutes’ piece in which he was featured, the interviewer specifically mentioned this.