Anyone out there write Windows applications?

I need to find someone who knows how to program for Windows. There is a serious lack of a good webcam software, as I’ve found recently in my quest for a new one. The only decent one around was written by Neil Kolban, but he sold it to the ever-useless Surveyorcorp, which hasn’t updated it since 1999 or 2000. It has some serious problems with the newer versions of Windows.

There is a market for good webcam software. I’m in a position to reach [yes, literally] thousands of webcam operators, so someone writing a new software app would have a good market for it, not just lil ole me.

Anyway, I also know what webcam software needs to be able to do, and have access to a lot of people who could give good input.

Anyone? Anyone know anyone? Anyone feel like learning? hehe

I’ve written Windows-based applications in both C++ and Visual Basic. I suppose i could take a crack at it. There’s pay in this, right? :wink:

I use ConquerCam the software but I agree the good software is hard to find.

Q.E.D. I really can’t afford to pay, but I can offer to create a website and promote the crap out of it.

Here are the features that are needed:

  • ftp at specified intervals
  • ability to specify ftp host and other info
  • ability to specify image name
  • ability to apply an overlay over the image
  • streaming video capability (jpeg push)
  • ability to embed streaming video into web page [webcam32 uses a java applet for this]
  • ability to add and position multiple captions
  • ability to add code into the captions to display things like time and date
  • ability to rename images on the ftp server in order to display a “last 10 images” type page.

Bonus “would be really cool” feature:
relay server on the webserver that allows a stream to go to the server first, then from there to individuals, rather than everyone making a connection to my machine, eating up all my precious bandwidth.

Webcam32 has all of these features except the “bonus” one, but it’s a POS program and barely works on WinME. It has to be run in “win98 compatibility mode” on XP.

Q.E.D. I really can’t afford to pay, but I can offer to create a website and promote the crap out of it.

Here are the features that are needed:

  • ftp at specified intervals
  • ability to specify ftp host and other info
  • ability to specify image name
  • ability to apply an overlay over the image
  • streaming video capability (jpeg push)
  • ability to embed streaming video into web page [webcam32 uses a java applet for this]
  • ability to add and position multiple captions
  • ability to add code into the captions to display things like time and date
  • ability to rename images on the ftp server in order to display a “last 10 images” type page.

Bonus “would be really cool” feature:
relay server on the webserver that allows a stream to go to the server first, then from there to individuals, rather than everyone making a connection to my machine, eating up all my precious bandwidth.

Webcam32 has all of these features except the “bonus” one, but it’s a POS program and barely works on WinME. It has to be run in “win98 compatibility mode” on XP.