Oh, God. Why did I do it? His pee videos are really easy to find on YouTube.
Fortunately, his naked videos are too.
Oh, God. Why did I do it? His pee videos are really easy to find on YouTube.
Fortunately, his naked videos are too.
And what’s worse, his show would get you killed in a real survival situation.
Look, if you are really lost, you find a good place- shelter, water and where they can find you.Hunker down, build a shelter and a fire. Food is not critical.
You do not, repeat NOT, go SASing down the countryside climbing, jumping and swimming over obstacles that will get you injured- which means dead.
Altho after a bit you might need to eat a few bugs, many of the things he eats are solely for the gross factor.
Add that to the fact that he stays in a fucking Motel instead of out in the wilds, and you need to turn to Survivorman instead.
I agree … if you were smart and told people where you were going to camp/hike/flight plan/driving plan they will be expecting you to be roughly in a certain area. If you go wandering around, you may inadvertantly move out of the search area.
Oddly enough one of the things in my emergency bail out bag in my car is a spool of 500 pound test fishing line. In a pinch, I can use it to tie together a shelter of evergreen boughs, make a ladder, make a travoise to lug stuff, or even <gasp, wait for it> fish with some of the cute little hooks I also carry …
Granted I did several different Outward Bound camps when young, and was a grrl scout, one of the earlier boy scout handbooks would be infinitely worth more than watching the stupid show…
Yeah, Survivorman is a much better show to watch in terms of “here’s what to do if you really are lost and alone in X climate.”
Granted, even some of the stuff he does is for show (eating bugs and so forth,) but he does things that are smart. His first two priorities are always water and shelter. And he always debates to himself in a given situation if he’s better off staying in his shelter waiting for rescue, or to go off and try to find help. It generally depends on the climate/“set up” that he had (ie, was he mountain biking in the desert, so not too far from civilization and no one may know he’s out there? Or ballooning over the African Savannah, so perhaps dozens (if not more) miles from anything AND people know roughly where he is?)
As a small, insectivorous mammal, I don’t quite see what the big deal is.
Nitpick: “larvae” is plural. You mean “larva.”
The larva is nothing compared to when he squeezed the moisture out of an elephant turd directly into his mouth for “water”.
That said, I might tune in this season. Men’s Journal interviewed him awhile back and the basic message that came across was that he knew he’d lost some credibility when he got busted cheating, and he’s gonna do some really, really crazy shit to get it back. I bet this little larva-eating incident is the tip of the iceberg.
Uh, yeah, like continuing the show after getting stung by a bee and having his face blow up like a balloon? Yeah, that pretty much did it for me.