Anyone up for a Batdope?

Anyone have any ideas for where to go?

We could do Indian Food :slight_smile:

Well, since no one’s responded to our posts up above about trying the beginning of March, I’m going to have to assume that’s too early for you guys. So maybe we can try again another time, and you have a good time!

Too bad; I love Indian food.

Personally, I don’t have a problem with the beginning of March, but I wanted to give people plenty of time to plan. I believe there’s a Houston Dopefest scheduled for the 15th, and I don’t want to follow too closely on its heels.

Any time in March was good for us.

I believe the Houston Dope is for the 15th of February, not March, so it may not be a problem.

The issue wasn’t a time conflict. I just didn’t want anyone to miss because they’d had their fill of Dopefests for a while.

Yeah, I think you guys are right. Too much in too short a time period. Have a great time wherever you go, and like I said, maybe we’ll catch you next time.

Happy DopeFest!

Who could get too much of us, eh?

Oh. Well, fine, be that way.

Actually, later in the month would be good for me as well. We’ve already got our schedule for the first week of March up, so the sooner we make a decision and I tell my boss, the better.

So, Lightnin’, when is your birthday again?

Since it’s Lightnin’s birthday, I think he ought to get to pick where we go.

Okay, I’ve gotta go to one of these things. Can I come? Huh? Can I?

Hugh (or should I address you as Mr. Jass?), please attend. Fionn, you know I’m going to make this if I can.

So, we need to focus on dates people. For out-of-towners, Saturdays are best. March has Saturdays on the 1st, 8th, 15th, 22nd and 29th.

How about the 8th or the 15th?

Well, Cat Power and Yo La Tengo are playing together on the 15th, and there’s no way I’m missing that, even for the BatDopers.

Cat Power!! Whoo!!

Bad News Baboon, you comin’?


Can newbies/lurkers come along for the fun too? :slight_smile: I just moved to Austin this last summer, actually, so I’m a newbie here on both fronts!

Still haven’t seen the bats.

Well, actually, my birthday’s the 25th thereof; I’m not sure that’s close enough for me to get any say.

However… can I vote AGAINST Indian? Indian food and I… well, let’s just say we don’t get along, and leave it at that. I don’t want it- and YOU don’t want me to have it. I can’t even smell Indian curry… which is strange, 'cause I LOVE Thai curry.

Lessee… Ya know, for Austin ambience, you really can’t beat Hula Hut.

I’d like to have it the 15th. That gives everyone a month yet to plan.

We had a Dopefest at Hula Hut early last fall. Do you want to repeat it so soon?

as long as we see the bats!

In all my time in Austin, I never saw them.

Fionn, what was the place where we had the first one? It was on Barton Springs and was (hmm, March 15th) an open air place.

Was it Shady Grove? That’s a wonderful place with excellent food, and has an outdoor area. The deal with that, though, is there’s often a HUGE wait. Of course, we could always have someone get there early and put in the order for the table, so I guess it shouldn’t be too hard.

For Mexican food, there’s Chuy’s, but they don’t have an outside. It’s good food nonetheless. Both are off of Barton Springs. There’s also Pizza Nizza on the same road. Italian, mainly pizza and pasta. I think the place you guys went, to though, was the Filling Station (I wasn’t there, but I’ve heard the stories). If it was good, I’m game.

So, do we want to go with the weekend of the 15th, or the next weekend? And are we talking Saturday or Sunday? And who’s been feeding the dog french fries? You know they make him gassy.

There lies a possibility that I might be able to make batdope.

Right now nothing is planned for march, but there is always the possibility that I’ll be asked to interview on whatever weekend it is planned or something catastrophic happens in the lab and I can’t leave San Antonio.

But I’ll try.