I’m looking at going to St. Thomas, B.V.I. April 23rd, returning the 28th (that’s Tuesday - Sunday) or May 7th-12 (same thing) to go SCUBA diving. I’m getting a 5 night/6 dive “shoulder season” package for it all.
The thing is, the package is designed for two people and it’s all of $200 cheaper for me to go alone. So, I’m figuring that since I’m already paying for the bulk of the thing, if anyone wants to come along, it’d cost them ~$200* for 6 (six) days in the Caribbean.
That’s it. Lemme know.
*: food and stuff like that is not included, but the place (like an apartment) will have a kitchen so we won’t have to eat out all the time. Oh yeah, you’d also have to book your own flight, so there is that, too. But other than that, it’s covered!
St. Thomas is in the USVI; I’ve had harder times getting into clubs than I did going there.
If I weren’t married I’d want to jump at this offer. I had a wonderful time when I was there last. We stayed at Point Pleasant Resort, fed hibiscus blossoms to the local iguanas, snorkeled, bought some really funky pottery, and generally had a wonderful time.
I should send my husband with you - he loves diving and I prefer to stay above water. But he’s weird about meeting folks only “met” on-line, so I doubt he’d be willing. His loss, I guess.
And there is an intense, 4-day PADI class here that MAY be available. I couldn’t take the whole week off, but there is a SLIGHT possibility of a long weekend. I would have to deal with an intensely jealous fiancee, though.
Oh God I have always wanted to try scuba diving. I love swimming and snorkeling but you have to basically stay on the surface for that.
I can not think of anything else in this whole wide world that would be as fun as going scuba-ing with thinksnow on an island somewhere but alas real life conspires against me. I don’t have any vacation time available and my hubby probably wouldn’t like it too much if I went without him.
Dive equipment is included in the cost. I’m going to dive the H.M.S. Rhone on Friday, but other than that, the schedule is clear (save that you must not dive the day before flying home.) I’m thinking a day trip to St. John is in order, IIRC, it’s a $20 ferry ride.
And yes, I owe a drink (at the least) to Anahita’s friend for her help throughout the planning of this all. She’s been ever so helpful.
Mmmm… Thinksnow…
You are a certified cutie patootie, darlin’. (Yep-I’e seen pics!)
If I wasn’t spoken for I’d jump at the chance to “go Carribean” with you.
I’m sure you and your guest will have a fantastic time.
Post pics for us when you return!
Watch out for the moray eel that hangs out next to Dive World. He’s kind of a meanie, and unlike most morays, he’s not afraid to swim freely to get after whatever food you’re offering.
And if you happen to see Moe slingin’ booze slurpees at that joint across the parking lot from the Hard Rock Cafe, tell her it’s time to come home for awhile. We miss her.
Just need a few days to convince my employer to let me take that time off. If I’m rebuffed, you’re more than welcome to take my place.
(And thanks for giving me first crack. I’ll hoist a drink in your honor if I get down there, or hoist a drink in your honor and pray you don’t get the bends if you go.)