Anyone Want My Pepsi/ Song Codes?

Looks like this one’s gone, too. Dangit, be nice and post something!

Uh oh…I just bought the very last yellow-capped Pepsi available in our cafeteria here at work. Fortunately, it was a winner. :slight_smile:



Thanks, Hal. :smiley:

15 days left :smiley:

woo hoo

the “o’s” could be zeros, i have no idea

Ok I’ll play.

I have like 50 of these at home that I’ll never use, maybe I’ll post a few later. Or put em’ on E-Bay.


  • that second i might be a 1*


  • I think those are the letter o*



ALL of these are taken already. :frowning:

Ok, these are absolutely, without question, the last ones I’m submitting:



Hurry, you have have less than 48 hours to get them in (not that that should be much of an issue).

And yes, I have been sitting on these, waiting until we were almost to the deadline. :stuck_out_tongue:

Sweet, I finally got to one in time!

I’ll leave the other one to whoever wants it.

I’ll take that one.


Okay I’ll take the other one!

Oh well, to whomever entered it before I did, I hope you enjoy it.

<sigh>…Not the way I wanted this thread to die. Oh well…

Here’s one I had knocking around on my desk:



I’ll give that one a try and hope that our sniper (curse you!) doesn’t beat me to it.


Ka-ching! Thanks!

(Should I post what I bought? Or should it linger as a mystery? :smiley: )


Woohoo! Thanks for restoring my faith in the thread, TwoTrouts.

And yeah, post the song, John! I like knowing if people are using this thread for good or evil. :slight_smile:

And of course, if anyone else happens to have an extra, unwanted code lying around, there’s about 24 hours left to post 'em!

Well, the song “Blasphemous Rumors” by Depeche Mode has been going through my head a lot over the last couple of weeks, so that’s what I picked up. I completed a small shopping spree a week or so ago, so this was mostly a supr-of-the-moment thing.

For those looking to get free codes, head over to the Ben&Jerry’s web site. I just “won” a free code from them.


I was trying to decide between Britney Spears’ “Toxic” and Green Day’s cover of “I Fought the Law.” While it was appealing to be able to get a Spears song without giving her any money, I decided that Green Day would probably be more palatable in a month or two. :wink:

For those who didn’t already know, iTunes is offering a free song every day through next Wednesday to commemorate the store’s 1-year anniversary. Today’s song is “Take Me Away” by Avril Lavigne.

B&J (Not Ben & Jen, but Ben & Jerry) is giving away codes to the first 50k that register for a sweepstakes.

more info at…

For my 14 “free” songs I got

Johnny Cash - I’ve Been Everywhere Man
The Waitresses - I Know What Boys Want
Kelly Osbourne - Papa Don’t Preach
Lenny Kravitz - Fly Away
White Town - Your Woman
Josh Groban - You Raise Me Up
Hollies - Long Cool Woman In A Black Dress
Natalie Cole - Pink Cadillac
Adiemus - Adiemus
Lucinda Williams - Can’t Let Go
Suicidal Tendencies - Institutionalized
Fountains of Wayne - Stacy’s Mom
David Wilcox - Eye of The Hurricane
Paula Abdul - Straight Up

I was severly frustrated as the following songs were not available.
Beatles - Yellow Submarine (no beatles at all)
Prodigy - Firestarter (no Prodigy at all)
Dirty Vega - ?Breathless? (The one in the car commercial, you couldn’t buy it individually you had to buy the album to get that track, all the other tracks on the album you could buy individually.)

And I’ll tell you what the real crime is! They only provided a 128kb/s format. If I was going to pay for a song, which I didn’t, really, I’d want 192kb/s!

A lot of people claim that a 128kb/s AAC sounds as good as a 192kb/s MP3. Personally, I rarely can tell the difference between a 128kb/s MP3 and a 192kb/s MP3, so it’s never really bothered me. I don’t have high-end audio equipment hooked up to my computers or my iPod, so I would guess most of the difference is being washed out by the noise from inferior components. :eek:
