Anyone watch VH-1's special on sexy TV moments?

Was watching the special tonight on VH-1 on sexiest moments in Rock on TV or something to that effect. Anyway, they got down to the part of the Pamela Anderson/Tommy Lee video and during a montage showed her breasts in full view. I’m not talking NYPD Blue but full frontal Breasts with nipples showing, both of them. I didn’t think anything at first because I didn’t realize this was VH-1 I was watching. There was no attempt at blurring them out and they weren’t fuzzy. Did they lower the standards for late night cable or did an editor either screw up or sneak one past the boys?

Anyone else see this?

I didn’t see that, unfortunately… But here in Korea, recently an famous Korean actress was taping a special on something or other (maybe the Olympics?), and during the show, she was to jump off an 11 meter diving board into the pool… she did so, after a bit of whining and trembling (cutely, though). When she hit the water, her top came off and they showed, with no editing, her climbing out of the pool and celebrating her bravery until she realized what everyone was gawking at! Most interesting for conservative Korea to allow this to be shown on prime time… I was happy though!

They have been sneaking in (USA) breast shot on the cable channels for awhile now. The E channel often shows a peek, and so does CNN when the do those fasion runway reports.
The other day on the X Show on the FX channel they showed a bush shot. No genitals, just fur for about 1 second.

And of course, there’s this week’s Emmy Awards, with Geena Davis wearing the nipples-and-bush dress.

Lately VH1 has been showing everything but hard-core porn during late night. One night a few weeks backed I watched the special on porn stars who wanted to become rock stars, and we all got to sample a bit of their cinematic work.