Anything Goes, Ontology of Structural Randomness

Rsa, I took no offence, and I stand by my statement, which is hardly random. It is merely a solution to Maxwell’s equation wherein d=0. Zero-branes might be unstable, but only the most infinitessimal moment of stability is required for two particles on opposite sides of the galaxy to change their spins together. And that is the context in which I made my assertion.

Meanwhile, Ethicallynot, you have now expanded your ontological musings so broad that whatever we write in this thread is jabberwocky. My point was merely that your ontology theory, while interesting, is not original. You’ve merely rediscovered existentialism. Read Being and Nothingness: A Phenomenological Essay on Ontology by Jean-Paul Sartre.

Before, I proceed with further posts in this thread to expound these ontological musings, I would like to let Libertarian know that if originality was my sole purpose, I would have to maneuver through the billions of informatic bits already released into our human experience by Plato’s, Aristotle’s, Husserl’s, Leibtnitz, Hume’s, and all the other illustrious thinkers known to us. As Mr. Salvador Dali’s cliché goes “what is not based on tradition is plagiarism”. If you think I am claiming undue credit, let me rephrase the opening of this thread as follows “The thought experiment…” And by the way, the set of all sets that don’t belong to themselves is just a rehash of the old lying Cretian…

Your comments are more on the level of political rhetoric than dialectic engagement. If you’re not interested in engaging, why do you? The only valid point may be that the broadening of these musings have diluted the discussion to the point of where our understanding of how this here came to me is more obscured than clarified. So (if you are truly interested in a dialogue as opposed to flexing you political muscle), please explain why you believe this to be the case.

Before, I proceed with further posts in this thread to expound these ontological musings, I would like to let Libertarian know that if originality was my sole purpose, I would have to maneuver through the billions of informatic bits already released into our human experience by Plato’s, Aristotle’s, Husserl’s, Leibtnitz, Hume’s, and all the other illustrious thinkers known to us. As Mr. Salvador Dali’s cliché goes “what is not based on tradition is plagiarism”. If you think I am claiming undue credit, let me rephrase the opening of this thread as follows “The thought experiment…” And by the way, the set of all sets that don’t belong to themselves is just a rehash of the old lying Cretian…

Your comments are more on the level of political rhetoric than dialectic engagement. If you’re not interested in engaging, why do you? The only valid point may be that the broadening of these musings have diluted the discussion to the point of where our understanding of how this here came to me is more obscured than clarified. So (if you are truly interested in a dialogue as opposed to flexing you political muscle), please explain why you believe this to be the case.

Sorry about the double posting. the SDMB server has been slow lately and my fingers are impatient…

The thought experiment should make it clear that the Universe has no option but to exist or not to exist. Well, couldn’t it be both you say? Isn’t that what QM tells us? Absolutely not. Because, if it was both 0 and 1 on all phenomenological levels, then the binary construct on which our mind rests (non-fuzzy logic), would be a bunch of horse crock. Everything becomes indistinguishable in some Chan monk manner. The world as we know it melts away as it does for Roquentin in Nausea. Transcending our awareness is useful in realizing the limitations of differentiation and decomposing everything into its constituent parts. But claiming that decomposition is worthless is folly. Without it, our knowledge is limited to the thing in-and-of-itself and our minds can never move beyond it. Essentially, we would know the Universe but not understand it.

So where does decomposition ultimately lead us? To 0 and 1. To being and nothingness. It’s from this essentially binary opposition that all things spring. Let’s call it the Potential of Being. All things have this potential. It’s like the nut having in it the complex structure of a tree. It isn’t a tree yet but, nonetheless, has in it the possibility of one day being a beautiful oak (courtesy of Aristotle) . Saying all things have a potential to be is that same as saying “Imagine a universe where anything is possible”. The universe comes into being because of a fundamental binary construct we can’t escape. It’s even the same as saying “cogito ergo sum”. I think therefore I am. Once the Universe comes into being, out of the fundamental duality emerges the world we know.

So why this Universe and not some other random Universe? For example, let’s take the Universe erislover suggested: the universe where all potentials cancel out resulting in, well, nothing. That Universe is, in fact, not a Universe at all. Or put differently: all potentials in this Universe are 0, including the potential of all things being 0. Aright, what about a Universe where all potential but the potential of all potentials being 0 is 0? WOW: AllPotentials0 = 1; AllOtherPotentials = 0. Indeed a Universe. A boring empty Universe but nonetheless a Universe. A Universe, however, that exists only for an infinitesimally short segment of eternity. Because, all things being possible, that universe cease to be. I hope by now it’s clear how a potential can’t be 0 or 1 in any absolute manner. If they were, not all things would have a Potential of Being (or Not-Being). What I’m suggesting is that our Universe lies within a high potential spectrum of the entire existential gamut: one with unidirectional time, spatial dimensions and a MacDonald’s on the corner.

So what does 0 and 1 remind you of? Computers? Aha! Turing machines. I mention this only in passing. Where I really want to get to, is the concept known as “information theory”. Why do I mention it? Because most modern physicists still use a geometric space to model the Universe. It’s all about branes and what have you. Strings and yada yada yada. One of the problems of such a model can be seen in the EPR (Einstein-Podolsky-Rosen) experiment. Since information must travel through space-time under the constraints imposed by Relativity, how can the two synchronize their spin? This suggest the limitations of such a model. So, why not follow another route, a route where QM phenomena might make more sense? Let’s suggest that instead of information existing within physical space, it’s the other way around. Essentially, geometric space emerges from informational space. Difficult to picture? Close your eyes and rest your mind on nothing. :wink:

So we get down to information and what it is. Information is the relationship between being and nothingness. It is in the dialectic between 0 and 1 that meaning arises. To be or not to be. They form a relational dance on which the phenomenological world rides in exuberance. The beginning of all things, the First Cause. Not Big Bang. Big Maybe, a God of immeasurable potentials…

You who are reading this might find Process Physics interesting.

I’ll try to illustrate the idea in yet another way.

Imagine we create an infinite number of variables, each representing a random statement. The only constraint we place on these statements is that, to come into BEING, they can’t contradict each other or themselves.

In a Universe where anything has a Potential of Being, only what doesn’t contradict the very essence of Being (which is to NotBe) can realize its potential. For example “I always lie” never comes into being. “I ceased to be and now I am” never happens. Essentially, it’s another way of saying “no contradictions allowed in the physical world”. Such statements can exist only as potentials. Just like the tree of the nut exists as an idea of what could be (but isn’t). Contradictions have a potential infinitely approaching 0. They exist, but barely so. They have no persistence. Every time they pop up, they disapear. On the contrary, statements with low contradiction (remember that we have to measure them against each other), have a potential approaching 1. Why can’t they be equal to 1? Because there’s always a statements that hasn’t been matched against all others to make sure it doesn’t contradict any other statements. This is simply an extension of Cantor’s infinite sets, Goedels Theorem, Turing’s Halting Problem or Chaitin’s Complexity Problem and so on.

Now, lets create infinite sets of infinite random statements. Only those sets where all statements are unique, is a Universe. Why? Because if the statements aren’t unique, then the set is merely a subset of the set where all statements are unique. With other words: it’s complexity can be reduced and it’s statements are merely part of a larger Universe where all statements are unique. Put differently, the only universe is the Universe of ALL things.

Contradiction is permissible in thought, but not in physical reality. This is what distinguishes them. When I say “that’s a contradiction” I’m saying “I can’t physically picture it”. So, since no statement can with certainty be uncontradictory, all physical things are ultimately unstable. It would seem obvious to me that the material world emerges from a more fundamental level I have chosen to call informational space. To gain persistence (become real), anything in the informational world would have to satisfy the test of “non-contradiction”. But since that condition can never be fulfilled with absolute certainty, the physical world remains forever in flux.

However, random truths and non-contradiction are the only two postulates required to describe how the world came into being. God doesn’t just play dice: she matches up all statements she randomly invents against each other, making sure they don’t contradict. From here to eternity. To be or not to be, to be or not to be…

I dont think it’s that simple.

There is a little bit more than that: an unexpected contradiction can wipe out all things before. What is needed is a way to prevent such contradictions from wiping the train of logic. Protection of the train of logic is what is required. A sudden surge, an undercurrent or malicious hacking can wipe out the contents of this computer, which is a logic machine. Such an event in a more massive scale can do the same to a universe.

You don’t think it’s that simple?

Would you care to explain?

So the question is, what’s the likelihood of a statement arising that negates all previous statements? Perhaps this is the ultimate threat a world emerging from informational space. We also need to remember that a physical world can never arise to begin with from a set where all statements have a contradictory opposite. The initial infinite set of unique statements must not stand in contradiction to each other.

I’m not sure I’m following all this, but wouldn’t a contradictory statement that ‘negates all previous statements’ by definition lose the ‘battle’ and not arise?

Not necessarily Cheap; what if the contradiction is not only true, but a whole new paradigm has to be made because of it? In Euclidian geometry, the combined angles of a given triangle has to be 180 degrees. When you reach 3-D space, and do angles on a 3-D curved sphere surface plane, you can make a triangle out of 3 90-degree angles. This is so contradictory to Euclidian theory, but it is true. So another paradigm has to be created to cover curved planes.

Ethnicallynot is postulating a Unified Theory, something that so far has eluded the best minds throughout history. That elusiveness stems from the fact that some things we know is (seemingly so far) paradoxial. Many beings can’t grow without light and warmth, but these same beings grow faster in darkness. We are not sure why black holes are not yet swallowing the universe or at least drawing all objects to them if the attraction is so strong. Could it be that the dueling black holes are keeping the bodies, the solar systems, and the galaxies themselves, in a relatively stable orbits? Or is it something else? I’m jumping a bit, I know, but any Unified Theory has to harmonize any contradictions in the natural world that do occur. Wishing them away does not work.

Any statement can exists. Even if it’s in contradiction to other statements. After all, would you deny that the statement “the set of all sets that don’t include itself” exists? Or “the soldier who shave’s all soldier’s that don’t shave themselves”? As statements they exist. But they can never come into BEING. They have a Potential of Being, infinitesimally approaching zero. So, the universe we live in arises (comes into being, gains persistence) from an infinite set of statements that don’t stand in any contradiction to themselves and others. Theoretically such a set should exist. Right?

Capacitator has correctly identified this as the attempt to come up with a Unifying Theory. Such a theory must explain not only our physical world but also our mental world. Most modern ontologies assume that information is embedded in a deterministic layer constrained to local causalities. This fundamental physical layer has residue of ideas expressed by Hume and other proponents of corpuscularism. Although today’s ontologies aren’t atomist, they still rely extensively on descriptive mechanisms of such models. And it’s understandable to some extent. It’s easier to picture particles than it is to picture probabilistic fields. What all these models rely on are static absolutes called dimensions, within which geometric objects governed by certain laws give rise to our macroscopic world. A String, a one dimensional entity with nothing but length, is an example of such a geometric object.

To begin with, it beckons the question how this geometry arose. Furthermore, a deterministic world constrained to local causalities has trouble explaining the phenomenon of consciousness and free will. The human experience is reduced to acts predetermined by genetic disposition and behavioral reinforcements a la Skinner. Ultimately, everything becomes reducible to external physical forces. Free will is often seen, even today, as a pipe dream of foolish idealists. Everyone shrugs their shoulders and say “Whatever”. Yet secretly, I suspect, we all reserve ourselves the illusion of choice, even the most materialistically inclined of us. In my mind, however, there’s no doubt that someone can suddenly act for no reason that can be attributed purely to external forces. But, in our modern physical world, entities act not on their own accord but because some force acts on them.

It is currently postulated that the evolution of the Universe was set in motion by a Big Bang, an explosion in Nothingness of immeasurable proportions. This is the First Cause, the reason we’re here. From Big Bang and onwards, it’s all clockwork. Or? Well, QM (quantum mechanics) suggest that it might not be so simple. Note, though, that on a pure quantum level, the Universe remains deterministic. It is only when we “elevate” this level to our macroscopic world that things get weird. I’m more troubled by this strong determinism in contemporary thinking than the idea some eternal geometry. After all, you could argue that a proposed informational space beckons the question where it came from. But, then we end up with infinite regression. We must accept that there are epistemological limits to what we can know.

However, it seems clear to me prima facie that Being and NotBeing is the most fundamental level of all, not geometric space. To facilitate our denotation, we use 0 to represent NotBeing and 1 Being. Now let us address what statements are. Statements are a set of words that are linked together in some given way. A statement’s meaning emerges not from the words in-and-of-themselves, but the relationships that they syntactically form. We can essentially treat statement as a system of words where the whole is greater than the sum of its parts (meaning is emergent). Even words themselves can be treated this way. “Dog” has no meaning as a word in-an-of-itself. It only has meaning has it relates to other entities in our life-world. It’s conceivable that “dog” may have different connotations in different dialects, even languages.

Now a dog may refer to an entity that has being (1), that exists as a physical manifestation. Through negation, we can also reference the abscence of such being (0). For example: “there is no dog such that…”. What about the meaning not of the word, but the entity that the word refers to, i.e. | DOG |? Well, even a dog is meaningless except in how it interacts with entities around it. The idea of meaning applies to so well abstract as physical things. It is in how they relate to one another that is important. Also, let it be noted that the level between physical and abstract may at times be extremely muddled. Voices heard by schizophrenics are certainly very real and frightening. It would be foolish to think we can distinguish the two worlds with any absolute certainty. This is why we today would rather speak of inter-subjectivity than unquestionable observables.

So, as we see, there are ENTITIES (meaningless in-and-of-themselves), RELATIONSHIPS (that form meaning) and POTENTIAL OF BEING. Let’s assume there are an eternal number of entities that have a potential to mean just about anything. This would mean that any entity can be linked to any other entity. Each such relationship has a Potential of Being. To distinguish this potential of being from physical being (the highest of all stages), we’ll call it a STRENGTH.

We can represent this (just to make it a bit easier) as a two dimensional table, each object listed once along the columns and once along the rows. Sort of like the tables used to indicated the distance between various cities in the world. Each entity is represented by a unique and infinite sequence of 0s and 1s. In each cell will write the STRENGTH that determines the level of connectivity between two entities. A strength of 0 would be written out using an infinite sequence of 0s and a strength of 1 an infinite sequence of 1s. We can now define the level of contradiction as being the case where two entities have two different STRENGTHS. Take, for example, the relationship between 0…001 and 0…100. In the column for 0…001 we go down to the row for 0…100 and find a strength of 0…000. In the column for 0…100, however, we find that the row 0…001 states a strength of 1…111. Clearly the level of contradiction has reached its extreme. No meaning can emerge from this relationship.

To define all possible combinations of ENTITIES and STRENGTHS, we will need an infinite number of tables. Each table represents the potential for an emergent physical Universe. A fully meaningless Universe would be the one where all cells are filled with 0…000. No entity relates to any other entity. It’s as if they didn’t exist to each other. Or, where every cell is filled with 1…111. Why? Because if all entities are connected, they become indistinguishable. What about a Universe with only 0.5 strengths (000…01…111)? In such a Universe, the ambiguity of relationships is at it’s maximum. In such a Universe, dog becomes related to any number of other things, all dispersed across all of space-time. Presumably, our physical Universe must be represented by a table where their are both strong and weak relationships, distributed somehow in an critical pattern. There may be an infinity of such patterns given that there are infinite number of tables. The question is how many of these tables will give rise to a stable yet dynamic enough Universe to result in higher consciousness.

Consciousness can be defined as some emergent structure that connects back to the most fundamental level of potentials. This would be why it is possible to imagine just about anything although we are constrained to act within the structures of some given limited (yet infinite) set of non-contradictory potentials.

So that’s it? We have this static Universe? Not quite, because however many entities we list, we can form a new one. How ever many! Even if that number is infinite. The trick? Cantor’s diagonal trickery. This is how it goes. Take an infinite sequence:



Is there a number we haven’t listed? Let’s see.

Take the first binary digit of the first entity and change it to its opposite. In our case this would be 1 which becomes 0. To the same for the second binary digit of the second entity. And the third digit of the third entity. And so on and so on. In our case we get:


This entity will differ from all the entities we have listed in at least one digit. So even if we list an infinite number of entities, we will always have missed one. Therefore, there will always be an entity that has an undetermined relationship to all other entities. And, as capacitator pointed out, such an entity might destabilize our entire Universe! Or part of it. This also means that new relationships will pop up for the whole continuum of eternity, no matter how pedantic God is. In fact, God could be said to be this continuum. Certainly, Cantor’s unlisted real numbers are as mysterious as the Creator Herself. No?

ethnicallynot, you can’t make a Unified Theory based on probability alone, especially when original premises are in dispute, and when there are contradictions and paradoxes abound in the universe. Probability experts tried very hard and failed.