APA Style: A Minor Complaint

When it’s taking you longer to figure out how to format your references than it did for you to write the whole paper…you’re using APA style.

Yea, I shouldn’t be posting…bite me. Back to work!

Eh. APA is overrated. I’m a big fan of Chicago style, personally.


Austin Party Area? Naw, doesn’t fit the context.
Austin Powers’ Aura? No better than above … :cool:
American Paper Association? Better …
Autistic Peeved Amateur? Now that one I like :wink:

Well… it wasn’t so bad back in my day when there were really only about three different kinds of references. This is the price you pay for having the internet, etc.

(It’s American Psychological Association)

Gah, I have to learn APA since I’ve started school as a social work student. There’s a workshop on it, maybe I should actually go? I hate citations, bleh.

Yea, go. I have the APA manual and kept flipping back and forth going “Huh?” The sad thing was, I had two papers to write today, one in APA and one in MLA. Ye gods, the kind of mental contortions I had to go through…