Ladies and gentlemen,
I give to you the looniest conspiracy theory since the dawn of man (except possibly the one about the Teletubbies being part of the KGB mind control program)
The world government has been spiriting away our best and brightest to Mars so that they will survive the upcoming ecological disaster. All that Apollo stuff was just a decoy to explain all the spaceships going up and down. The fact that this vast conspiracy involving thousands of Americans and Russians was unearthed by a local TV station in England just goes to prove how successful the cover up was.
Undaunted by their exposure, the conspiritors then claimed that the documentary itself was a fake. They pointed out that the show was copyrighted on April 1 1977. Of course, as in all conspiracies, subsequent admissions by all concerned that the whole thing was made up as a joke are proof of the cover up.
Does anyone have any better conspracy theories? (Holocaust deniers please crawl under a bed and post elsewhere - this is supposed to be funny :D)