As you may or may not know from my past posts, I do some IT work for a government contractor. This means that when the computer doesn’t work, they call me. No big deal, it’s what I get paid for and the job security looks pretty good for the time being.
Anyway, yesterday one of our billing supervisors asked me to give some extra database rights to one of her employees. I was done within 5 minutes of recieving the request. I made a point of telling her that he would have to restart the program for it to take effect.
So this morning my coworker comes over and tells me that she was bitching that I didn’t grant the rights she asked for because he couldn’t access the screens. Sounds to me like something I can’t fix over the phone or by email. So I walk over there.
Me - Hi, I hear your guy is still having trouble.
Her - Yes. (very curt and annoyed tone of voice)
Me - Well, what seems to be the problem?
Her - That’s your job to figure out.
Me - Well, what kind of error message is he getting?
Her - I don’t know.
Me - Is there anything you can tell me about the problem.
Her - Like I said, it’s your job, you figure it out.
So I go over to his desk, and guess what? He left his computer running all night to process some bills. Not unusual, but he never restarted the program after I granted him the new rights. I rebooted his computer and, like magic, it worked perfectly.
Listen you overworked, undersexed, uppity bitch. The only profession I know of where the person can diagonose the problem without asking questions is a veterinarian.
And that’s because the animals can’t talk!!!
I know you’re busy, but I am too. I have several VPs breathing down my neck for upgrades and custom reports and the like. The least you could do is recognize that I walked all the way across the building to help you. I’ll be as cordial as I can, but when you start telling me that it’s my job to figure out, it sounds like you think you’re my boss. You’re not. You’re just a miserable little troll who never went to college so you’re now stuck with a dead end crappy job. Don’t take it out on me.
Yet another reason I work with headphones on and hardly ever leave my office.