The other day I got a photograph in the mail of George and Laura Bush.
The caption read, (paraphrasing)
"Dear Odinoneye,
Thank you for being an early supporter of my campaign."
It had stamped signatures of George and Laura.
Not sure how I got to be a supporter, never voted for him, never gave him any money. I guess anyone not actively protesting him is considered a supporter.
I am among a group of a half-dozen friends and co-workers who received these. Not a Bush supporter in the bunch.
I don’t know if someone put us on some mailing list as a joke or not, but either way it’s fine by me. It’s just that much more dough he’s wasted on campaign spending. If I didn’t receive this, it might’ve went to someone a bit more on-the-fence who may actually be swayed.
As for the “autographed” photos? They’re all now lining the bottom of a friend’s bird cage.
I’ve been getting a fair bit of professional-campaign-looking ‘vote bush’ emails. To a address. They’re still a bit stuck on geography, I presume…
Well, one of my co-workers managed to send out 20,000 letters–all addressed with the wrong names–last year. Maybe his twin brother works for the RNC or something.
Personally, I don’t mind at all if the Bush machine is wasting some cash sending things to the wrong people. I’ve heard of Bush opposition members signing up for all the free stuff on the campaign website just to siphon money out of his war chest.