Apparently there's one thing that can change some anti-vaxxers' minds

They don’t. National Guarders all have day jobs and virtually all the National Guard medics’ day jobs are as medical workers. In other words, they’re mostly already working in those hospitals that will need staff replacements.

They recently called up some National Guard units to help wtih the pandemic in southern Oregon. But the ones they called up were not medics or doctors for the above reason. They called up others who did non-medical things at hospitals. Things like admissions or kitchen work. The idea is to free up some medically trained people from non-medical work.

Yes, I know. Must have forgotten my snark tag there. Wonder if the Guard who deploy here in the state are subject to the vaxx mandate?

Some people out there may not realize why they can’t just get more doctors and nurses by calling up the National Guard. It’s good to have it spelled out.

All National Guardpersons are part of the US armed forces and thus subject to the mandate for them.

I know a bunch of military types are kicking up a fuss over it but dang, people, you had to get the jab for every OTHER crazy shit including anthrax FFS this is just one more. Same with law enforcement, they are crazy resistant to PPE and vaxxes and are endangering a whole lotta people including the incarcerated who are forced to share space and breathing air with those damned plague dogs.

What really cracks me up is these active military types who insist theyr’e going to quit if forced to vaxx and I’m like “Okay then, enjoy your arrest for AWOL and your dishonorable discharge, you fucking cretin!” One does not simply stroll away from one’s commitment to Uncle Sam’s Meat Grinder.

Perhaps even more persuasive than money is having idiots listen to the advice of idiots they look up to. At least this idiot did the right thing.

My idiot anti-vax, hoaxer, trumpie sister totally refused to get jabbed until I offered her money. Suddenly her song changed to “the only reason I got the shot was because Trump invented it.” I don’t care, she’s vaccinated and Mom is happy.

Even that doesn’t always help, though. One of our Canadian TV networks did a story from inside an ICU last week, and the anti-vaxxers immediately claimed it was all fake, with “mannequins” as the patients.

The anti-vaxxers are simply mentally ill. They are experiencing paranoia and delusions and are actually harming themselves and others. I’m getting more and more astounded that we allow the mentally ill to dictate public health policy and endanger others.

It’s good that the TikTok video is causing some folks to get vaxxed. And there is something to hearing that incessant alarm. But I thought it was going to be a lot more powerful than that.

The sound in the video appears to be a recording up close to ONE patient’s monitor but the nurse describes the awfulness of hearing MANY of these and other alarms going off all the time. THAT’s what I expected and hoped to hear.

I don’t expect a busy nurse to think like a pro video creator and there is more credibility with this coming from a nurse instead of a TV station but it could have been so much more powerful if it had been recorded from the central nurses station where you can hear ALL of the alarms from every bed going off at the same time. Just imagine.

“Madame, would you get vaccinated for a million dollars?”

“Why, I guess so. Sure.”

“Well, how about for five dollars?”

“!! Five dollars!! What kind of a Q-Woman do you think I am!!”

“We’ve already established that, now we’re merely haggling over price.”