Applause if and when Jar Jar Binks died ?

Talking with a co-worker I mentioned that **if Jar Jar Binks had died ** during Episode III that more people would have enjoyed the movie. I would have given the film a 7 instead of a 6 grade for sure. I venture that we would hear applause !

Am I wrong ?

Which only goes to prove that George Lucas doesn’t listen to his fans enough. Hard hard would this scene have been to direct?

Jar-Jar: Meesa, whyja dooin nis?

Anakin: Jar-Jar – I never fucking liked you.

Flashing lightsaber montage in homage to Psycho shower scene.

Pandering? Of course. But the movie would have hit the $200 million mark opening weekend for that scene alone. Plus having the word ‘fucking’ in a Star Wars movie would have been funny as hell.

I was surprised that Jar-Jars head wasn’t displayed on a pike somewhere.

Killing off Jar-Jar? Raucous applause. Standing ovation. They would have had to insert two minutes of silence in the movie afterwards to give the audience time to calm down. People who watched this movie once would have paid to watch that version two or three times.

But that’s only if it’s done right. If Lucas had made a “serious” death scene with Jar-Jar, it wouldn’t have worked. It would have to be a very casual thing, like that fantastic scene with Yoda and Palpatine’s two bodyguards. Picture Anakin striding out of Palpatine’s room after the big battle. Jar-Jar runs up to him saying “Ani, what have you done?” Anakin doesn’t even slow down. Just pulls out the light saber and cuts down Jar-Jar without looking at him.

If Geoge Lucas wants to make some money (ha ha ha), he could market and entire Kill Jar Jar series of video games.

Jar Jar being blown away in Halo, Jar Jar being sliced to death by Lara Croft and for the classic crowd, Jar Jar being chased and eaten by Pac Man.

Amen, amen, a thousand times amen. That would’ve ROCKED!

Kill Jar Jar
A Video Game by Quentin Tarantino

Marathon would be more satisfying to me.

“Frog blast-a Vent Core!”

*** KA—FOOM ***

Episode III spoiler ahead, unboxed

Seeing as Senator Binks is a politician, the proper way for him to be offed would have been to have him assassinated during the funeral procession for Padme, JFK-style. Meesa been shot! How wude!

I’d like to see it this way:

Jar Jar is standing behind Anakin after he’s sliced and diced some Jedis. Jar Jar is holding a large blunt object in his hand about to whack Anakin over the head. Anakin senses this and thrusts his lightsaber behind him right into Jar Jar’s heart, powers down the saber, and turns around just in time to see the dying look on Jar Jar’s face.

Couldn’t Jar Jar somehow end up sodomized to death by a shipload of Wookie pirates?

GODDAMMIT! Thank you so much for the spoiler in the THREAD TITLE! Christ, when are you people ever going to learn?

Hell, since Jar Jar is a senator, he could always be stabbed 40 times by a bunch of his fellow senators in the hallway outside…just because he’s so fricken annoying.

E-sa Tu-sa, Palpatine-sa?

That would be a sequel of great sucess… I still hope George Lucas’ greed will entice him into doing a Jar Jar Bink horrible death scene for the extras or director’s cut !

Quite impossible. He doesn’t wear black, nor has he even heard of Japan, so he is not a ninja.

…and millions of prepubescent kids in the audience are traumatized for life. :eek: :wink:

(I don’t really care one way or another for Jar-Jar, myself, and find the fascination of other fans for his death oddly morbid)

PG-13 ! No pre-teens to watch such a deserving end to Jar-Jar…

In the first line, not the title. [/pick]

Well sorry about spoilers… I thought just about anyone that mattered already knew that Jar Jar hadn’t bought it during Ep III. Workmates would be describing the death scene with relish and content during your coffee break. It wouldn’t be a “spoiler” it would be a “enjoyer” :wink: