"Apropos" does not mean "appropriate"

“Let there be justice,” INOR.

I’d attempt to mock you for not knowing this Latin phrase, but when I first started using it I put “Fiat Justina,” which some all-knowing Latin scholar immediately pointed out means “Let there be Justine” – leading him to ask, which Justine? Justine Bateman?

Screw up around here and they mock you to death. :wink:

you know, of course, what I’m gonna call you from now on…

Yes…I’m with you there, Skwerl. I hear this, see this, and dislike it too. Except that now I find myself saying it all the time as well.

And I consider myself somewhat of a perfectionist when it comes to English. I’m one of those annoying types who try to correct people and whatnot.

And then you come across stuff like this - which is on the home page of weather.com right now (not exactly apropos to the OP, but… :slight_smile: ):

Nice job, guys. Stick to the forecasting (or is that “fourcasting”?)


And how about the dumbasses who don’t know the difference between “their” and “there” and who put apostrophes in every word ending with the letter “s.” They suck.

Y’know, reading this thread brings a single word to mind:

SUBLIMINABLE!!! :smiley:

Alanis Morrisette is not without faults, but her understanding of “irony” is not one of them. All the examples in her song are legitimate cases of literary irony. So leave her alone.

One of the many, many things I hated about the movie “Contact” was Jodie Foster’s use of “profoundly impactful.” Argh!

The word “impact” shouldn’t be used as anything other than a noun. I’m not saying cannot, I’m saying should not.

C’mon, you guys are picking on entirely the wrong solecisms here.

First, subliminable has the very obvious meaning of “capable of being made to be subliminal.” It’s entirely possible that George W. meant the word in that usage.

Of course, it’s entirely possible that a horse will learn to sing grand opera, too.

Then, “nucular.” Clearly this means “of or pertaining to the periwinkle” (the mollusk, Nucula sp., not the flower). Of course, a critical mass of exploding periwinkles is something of a scary thought…
Oh, and Inor? I remember what state you live in. Wanna guess who among the other posters is a State Attorney for the Big Sky Country? :eek:


Oh man-
God- we all oughtta get together at the Gates- Chronos, Poison Ivy, You, Jodi, Meindisguisesoyouandshecan’treferencemybackground-

It’s central, we could barbeque our own little pit! Or go out past silver City, or up Trout Creek behind Lincoln or something!
You bastard! :smiley:
::inor, thinking, Cast of possible characters: inor, and this little rat thing on crank::
this is sooo cool!, well, except for the fact that they’re lawyers and you know what happens when you get close to lawyers inor, but maybe you’re all grown up now…or maybe the paxil will make a difference, or maybe they could jsut chain and gag you, but you could still vicariously participate in some BSDope or other…yeah, yeah, the gag thing, cuz dude, you know how you are- you respected poly, now this? Yeh, the gag thing, or maybe, if we did it at the Gates, we could do it on a houseboat, and they could jsut tow you for the duration, you’d be there, waving occasionally, they could toss out some chum now and then. wait. that’s trolling)

you have immensely cheered me, sir/ma’am

o yeh- what’s a solecism?

I’m partly of the mind that since language is for communication, as long as we get the point across in the word we are saying, it’s A-ok.

I mean, everyone DID understand what to “easify” meant, right?

On the other hand, anyone who uses incorrect grammar should be shot summarily.

(And I am sure there is a grammar error SOMEWHERE in this post. Gaudere’s law, isn’t it?)

[serious amusement]

Gee, POLY, when did you join state government?

[/serious amusement]

[serious stickin his head in the toilet and dead flat voice]
yah, pretty much figured that the minute I saw you as the last poster here…had this intense feeling of ominous ‘boy was I stupid, and enthusiastically so, dear god take me hoooome now’ impending doom. See- that’s the worst part- the naive, boyish stupid endamnthusiasm- cuz I know that’s what upgraded your amusement factor to ‘serious’
[/still in there, flushing now…]

Ah well, haint had me pants down around me ankles in a while. It’s good ta get me genitals aired out naow and thin.

jsut wish it hadn’t been in traffic…

Poly- I hate that little I’ve got a mysterious secret smiley on your last post.
Justina- you stupid dummy peehead…
::hanging self from shower curtain rod.
which collapses.

[serious stickin his head in the toilet and dead flat voice]
yah, pretty much figured that the minute I saw you as the last poster here…had this intense feeling of ominous ‘boy was I stupid, and enthusiastically so, dear god take me hoooome now’ impending doom. See- that’s the worst part- the naive, boyish stupid endamnthusiasm- cuz I know that’s what upgraded your amusement factor to ‘serious’
[/still in there, flushing now…]

Ah well, haint had me pants down around me ankles in a while. It’s good ta get me genitals aired out naow and thin.

jsut wish it hadn’t been in traffic…

Poly- I hate that little I’ve got a mysterious secret smiley on your last post.
Justina- you stupid dummy peehead…
::hanging self from shower curtain rod.
which collapses.


IANAL [which I think should be pronounced “eye-anal” in view of the type of posts it usually leads off]

I was attempting to warn inor about the certain Methodist civil-servant member-of-the-bar whom he had just appeared to tweak. Hell hath no fury like a lady lawyer who’s gotten her back up over a given issue (though its proprietor has come given Jodi a good run for her money on some past flame-exchanges!).

As for what a solecism is, most of the topics of the posts in this thread are good examples. Though I’m sure someone can come up with examples different than them. :smiley:

:: D&R ::

IANAL [which I think should be pronounced “eye-anal” in view of the type of posts it usually leads off]

I was attempting to warn inor about the certain Methodist civil-servant member-of-the-bar whom he had just appeared to tweak. Hell hath no fury like a lady lawyer who’s gotten her back up over a given issue (though its proprietor has come given Jodi a good run for her money on some past flame-exchanges!).

As for what a solecism is, most of the topics of the posts in this thread are good examples. Though I’m sure someone can come up with examples different than them. :smiley:

:: D&R ::

double post.

he answers it double.
on purpose.

oh ha ha. :wink:

:inor wondering jsut how big the stupid sign is on his forehead and have they wired it up yet so that it actually blinks Thinking what he can do to engineer some stength into the shower curtain rod:

well, i ain’t ascared a her.
Don’t you mean ‘solipsism’? You’re more well-read though, so I reckon you’re right.
probably ain’t gonna post this twice.

I’m goin to bed early tonight…duct taping myself in all the wrong places first though…



Jeez, that’s twice in one day that people have posted “Watch out for Jodi!” I’ll admit I can be a bitch on wheels when offended, but it takes more to offend me than just a little INORish tweaking. When did the tribe appoint me Chief No-Fun?

And why would you be? She is a harmless, delicate little flower spreading sweetness and light where e’er she goes.

Disagree and I’ll pop ya one. :wink:

[serious amusement]

[/serious amusement]
Thank ya ma’am- I know yer jsut tryina cheer me up a little, give a little back as it were…
and I appreciate it…

You know I’m just kiddin’, Jodi!!!

[sub]And I can imagine what would happen if I said I was serious[/sub]


I know, I know. And it’s sob quite all right. Sniff Really.


At any rate, my Canadian Oxford gives the definition of “apropos” as “to the point or purpose; appropriate (her comment was apropos”. It lists your preferred definition of “with regards to” as “informal”.