
It’s wake up time.
Everything is held together due to the result of a frequency. When the frequency is amplified, matter changes. The free masons have been using lower frequencies to induce fear in the people by utilizing media. Scientists found out that when we think a frequency is created and spread person to person. It's my central thesis that vibrations are the structure of consciousness... That's why music and tones effects us... The alchemists believed planets were gods. The human portrayal of those gods was just a depiction.... Each planet has a frequency and they somehow knew this before modern technology and believed that it could have a direct influence on consciousness.

Yeah, how else could they circle the earth every day?

Well as claimed by the books I’ve read that date back to 1300’s they believed they gained this knowledge from life forms that live on a plant which orbits the star system of sires. And we’ve recently discovered an earth like planet that orbits that star system… Most of alchemists findings are now being proven by science, causing some scientists to return back to it.

Are you talking about string theory, or something else. I’m not going to click on a wall of youtube links to figure out your thesis.

What’s the frequency, Kielmic?

So I’m guessing this isn’t about the game that had Steampunk Elves and Dwarves.

Frequency cubes rather than time cubes?

Name five.

The links don’t seem to match the topic. Therefore I recommend watching this instead:

That’s because you have to actually watch the videos to know what its about lol.

Well, most alchemists I’ve talked to flirted with science at one point. But there’s someone named gregg braden who’s leading the charge.

We’re currently at 7.83 Hz, now this differs from the places you go and the people you bump into. “Research in Biophysics seems to suggest, that our biological system is “tuned into” the background frequency of our planet - the `Schumann Resonance’- a steady pulse of 7.83 Hz which** beats** around the planet within the earth/ionosphere cavity.”

Gads, the brown acid must still be circulating.

Something else… It’s the idea that sound waves hold together particals causing matter to take shape.

Sorry, but no. If you want to debate a topic, or espouse a belief system, you should always be able to sum up your topic in just a few sentences. For example:

“Arcanum: Of Steamworks and Magick Obscura (more commonly known as Arcanum) is a 2001 role-playing video game developed by Troika Games and published by Sierra Entertainment. The story takes place on the continent of Arcanum, which is a fantasy setting that is in the process of an industrial revolution. The story begins with the crash of the zeppelin IFS Zephyr, of which the protagonist is the only survivor, which leads them throughout the land in search of answers. It was Troika’s first game and also their best-selling title with over 234,000 copies sold and with revenues of US$8.8 million.”

There. Now you know the basics of Arcanum, the video game. If you want to learn more, you’re welcome to watch Let’s Play videos, read FAQs, or purchase the game yourself. But even if you don’t have time to watch six hours of livestreamed videos, at least you know the basics of what it’s about.

So…what was your point, again?

Lol people like you make me laugh, you reject something you know nothing about yet refuse to investigate it.

You haven’t given us any reason to investigate it.

No, I reject you, whom I know next to nothing about, but what I do know leads me to think you aren’t worth engaging and your ideas are total and complete rubbish. Now quit bothering people and go back to your coloring book.

Better than *believing *in something ***you ***have clearly not investigated. Watching woo Youtube vids doesn’t count as “investigating.”

Fair enough, we can do things your way.

I believe (provisionally) a whole bunch of stuff that’s really important and would change your outlook on life completely. I can’t be bothered to summarize it, but it’s written in 30-40 thick textbooks that summarize the state of current consensus human knowledge in the sciences. In various places in those books are references to primary research data that completely contradicts everything in your thesis. If you like, I can provide a list of the books so that you can find them in your library and read them carefully. After you have studied them thoroughly, please come back and give us a list of page numbers for the parts that you challenge, and the evidence supporting your position.

Obviously we can’t have a discussion about this until you done what I ask, how can you dismiss my views without investigating them?