Are any particular Rolling Stone mags from the 80's/90's worth much?

…before I yard sale them for 50 cents each and then recycle the rest.

Seems like I remember the early Madonna and Britney Spears covers had some value.

See if this eBay search URL works for you.

Went to eBay, typed in “rolling stone magazine” in “magazine back issues” then checked the “1980-1999” box and then checked “sold listings” and the result is a list of what those back issues have actually sold for.

Its the current ones that are worthless. :wink:

Do you have the cover from January 1981 memorializing John Lennon? That might be worth something. The cover picture was taken the last day he was alive.

I sold several years worth a few years back. I sold them via Craigslist all together as a group, and got more that way than I would have made from selling them individually – people had been making offers for specific individual issues and then little or nothing for the rest.

Any of the issues with glowing appraisals of the work of Rush would be worth a pretty penny.

I’ve got some Rolling Stones from '68 and '69. Would they be worth anything?

Thanks for the link…some of those prices are surprising. Multiple sales of the Layne Staley issue for from $45 to $15. Death is probably a general indicator of value.

I wonder if I’m really getting those “sold” vs completed but didn’t sell. I do have the proper box checked.

Anybody know if the first issue (Lennon Vol. I; No. 1 11/9/67) was reprinted?

As I was going thru all my boxes I found a copy…there is nothing that would suggest a reprint except for the great condition that it is in and the fact that I didn’t put it any place special.

NM…it’s a 1986 reprint as noted in small print on page two in the Table of Contents.

FWIW…my collection goes back to the late 70’s. I found a few Robin Williams covers (including 8/23/79)…hope it’s not too late to profit from his untimely death :frowning: . Ebay here I come.