…and he disappeared in a puff of logic.
And Lo, the Hamsters will feast on posts.
And a cry will go up to heaven, “Cecil, save us!”
and JDavis will be most wroth.
They shall cry out to the moderators,
and the moderators will lock the posts,
and advise the afflicted to repost.
For it is written in the Second Book of Zotti,
“And this command do I give to the moderators.
Thou shall lock all those posts that offend
and those that show error
And those posts that are insulting or instruct others
to break the law
Thou shall delete,
Lest we be sued and the Chicago Reader come down on our ass.”
. . .
And so the Moderators did lock the post
and the people gave thanks to Cecil
and prayed that they may not be smitten by Og
and the hamsters were satisfied.
Something went wrong. I wrote something like this
I’m having USAs comming attack on Iraq on my mind and their close relations to Israel and christian fundamentalists. (who both believe that Israel -with Palestine are given to the jews by god)
USA may have the economy, techonolgy, manpower, will, military arsenal, influence and ability to start and fulfil a scenario like this.
I must also add that USA have a very large and influencual christian conservative minority. People who would love to start fulfilling the prophecies they interpret from the bible. The Bush administration are far more positive toward this group and know that they depend on their votes. They are also pretty dependent on jewish support - money and influence (AIPAC).
The western sivilisation seams to loose the grip on christianity and the number of atheist reach new hights every year. Adultery, abortion, homosexuality are being more and more accepted. The traditional family structure is on it’s way out. More and more people are being addicted to drugs. Crime-rate are getting higher each year and crimes are getting more serious.
The modern world have for long had a problem with pollution (and many christians mean that this is something that’s written about in the bible).
We have also the problem with overpopulation in the world.
USAs war against terror isn’t simply enough to explaine their politic and ambition. Their close ties with Israel is even more strange. These ties will always be a nemesis for USA and that will be clearer and clearer for most americans in the future.
This is of course just some speculations from me, but what do you think about this ?
I think I don’t know what you’re talking about and you don’t know what you’re talking about and the hamster had the right idea.
That you are babbling incoherently?
The US’s close ties with Israel is not so strange considering the history of their relationship during the Cold War and the competition between the Soviets and the US for influence in the area.
—This is of course just some speculations from me, but what do you think about this?—
I don’t understand you very well.
But I do think Israel has a right to be a little suspicious of all the newfound and laudatory support and friendship from people who believe that the hoped for future role of Israel is to have all the Jews that live there be killed en masse in great battles and then the survivors converted to Christianity.
That was good, Captain!
Evangelical Christians are indeed a small minority in the US, albeit a loud one. The views of evangelical Christians are not the views of Americans as a whole. Period.
President Bush, though he courted them, is not an evangelical Christian, and is not trying to spark Armageddon.
What on earth are you saying? I understand that English is not your native language, but I’m still having a lot of trouble understanding your point.
you are not trying very hard, are you ?:mad:
—you are not trying very hard, are you?—
many evangelical christians believe that it’s up to mankind to fulfil (or to help fulfil) the prophecies in the bible and not wait for god to do it.
They might wanna fuel conflicts in the middle-east and use USA and it’s military techology to fulfil it
do you understand more now ?
Yes, except that the US military-industrial complex is not run by those evangelicals. Of course there are some loonies who’d like to see war in the MidEast. Fortunately, the loonies are not runnign the show.
—They might wanna fuel conflicts in the middle-east and use USA and it’s military techology to fulfil it —
Maybe, but I don’t think the majority of any Presidential administration would go for this sort of thing unless it was snuck in in a very covert way. So, mostly, I just think their interest in Israel is harmless: just kinda creepy.
The rest of the world sure hopes those evangelicals get to run the U.S. insustrial-military complex. With the help of the lord perhaps they will be more restrained.
**The western sivilisation seams to loose the grip on christianity and the number of atheist reach new hights every year. Adultery, abortion, homosexuality are being more and more accepted. The traditional family structure is on it’s way out. More and more people are being addicted to drugs. Crime-rate are getting higher each year and crimes are getting more serious. **
Mind citing any of it? And don’t forget that “Focus on the Family” isn’t a legitimate citation for this sort of thing.
I did learn something though… Apparently “Homosexuality” is one of the riders of the Apocalypse.
I thought I saw a poll recently where a frighteningly large percent of Americans though America should support Irael to fulfill biblical prophesy. No, I have no sites, nor remember what the percentage was. A quick Google search didn’t come up with anything, maybe I’ll find something later and come back to the this thread.
I bet he’s the one wearing chaps.
Actually, it’s “Adultery, Abortion, and Alternate Lifestyles” if you want more elegant shorthand for your list of evils. You can add “Addiction” and “Apocalyptic Thinking” too.
Evidently a lot of things are worrying you, Havel. But they are kind of jumbled up together. I think that if you try and tie them all into a package you will wind up with a very bad headache.
I think the apocalyptic visionary crowd is probably just as confused and worried as the rest of us; they’re just hoping for first-class tickets on the Rapture Boat when crunch time comes.
They are not going to be controlling events.
So relax. We live in interesting times, don’t we?
Funny, I thought crime in the U.S. had gone down in recent years.
My hobgoblin is dancing.
I think the Bush mafia is just trying to fully fill their pockets with the money made through their oil interests and their weapons interests. I wish someone would eliminate the whole family from the face of the earth. They are nothing but a bunch of criminal murderers who don’t deserve the spit I would plant in the middle of their collective faces. They can take rumsfeld and cheney with them straight to the hell they deserve.
I can’t believe the damage the bush’s have done to this country and our government. We have criminals running our country and they seem intent on destroying everything we used to think we stand for and fight for.
I hope someone with a high powered rifle finds them…