Are "CHIA PETS"Only SOLD In December?

Just a general question…I’ve never bought one of these things, and I can’timagine what would posess somebody to buy one. Anyway, the company that makes these things should be profitable…you see them every year.
Has naybody in the SDMB ever bought a “chia pet” (except for when you wanted to insult somebody?:confused:

I’m sure that there’s some store, somewhere, that sells them year-round, but they definitely seem to pop up like weeds in late November. I was in the hardware store today, and there was an entire rack of them (in a hardware store?). Most of them were shaped like Looney Tunes characters. I’ve never in my life wanted to grow green leafy hair on Bugs Bunny, Daffy Duck, Elmer Fudd, Tweety, or Taz, but if anyone out there has such a desire, then the Aco Hardware near my house can set you up.

Their website is up and operating year 'round, so knock yourself out!

When I worked in retail, I think we generally sold them year-round, but there were more of them during the holidays.

However, I only once sold one. I had a hard time refraining from making a smartass remark.

Just saw the commercial.

I would like to buy a Bush one.

Hey, they’ve branched out! You could now fill a small trophy case with chias - they’ve got Chia Bugs Bunny, Chia Daffy Duck, Chia Taz, Chia Tweety Bird, Chia Scooby-Doo, Chia Homer, Chia Bart, etc. No sign of Chia Bush, I’m afraid.

I will resist the urge to make a comment about Chia Clown
I will resist the urge to make a comment about Chia Clown
I will resist the urge to make a comment about Chia Clown

at a store in Santa Fe, New Mexico, they sold hand made pottery ones from Mexico. My mom bought one. Chia pets obviously originated in Mexico, they were pottery folk art animals with grooves to sow seeds in.

I bought one for my 5 year old neice for Christmas one year. She was surrounded by hundreds of dollars worth of awesome gifts (video games, toys, etc) and she stood up and declared it her “MOST FAVORITEIST GIFT EVER!!!” and jumped around the room.

I guess I found the target demographic! She loved that thing.

My brother-in-law bought one for me for Christmas years ago… I would’ve been 15-16 or so. I loved that thing for some completely incomprehensible reason, and was heartbroken when MamaKitty threw it out.

I still haven’t figured out why they sell them in hardware stores, though…

This year the Dallas Mavericks decided to go away from the bobble-head trend and will be giving away Chia-heads of Steve Nash, Micheal Finley and Dirk.

Why are Chia Pets everywhere in December.
They are inexpensive, make a ‘small gift,’ that meets many folks gift requirements.

They do sell anywhere, groceries, drug, hardware, and etc. stores.

“Beware of the Cog”

I have a Chia Garcia. It looks like Jerry w/o the chias AND it looks llike him with the chias.

I haven’t grown in yet since he decided to shuffle off this mortal coil.