It seems to me that they might be. Where is the Sierra Club on this issue?
In fairness, I can see they’re torn like this guy between their concern for the environment and being accused of prejudice, but surely they can make their case on a colorblind basis?
The US may have an increase in population but the country the immigrant left has a decrease in population.
Bottom line there are “X” number of people on the planet. As regards the global environment why does it matter where they are? We’re all on the Earth (somewhere).
I suppose you could make a case for a local impact if people move into a given area but that is a different thing.
Immigrant decedents have to eat. Don’t matter what country they’re in. Located in US, Mexico, or anywhere the environment has to support them either way. However richer countries have slower population growth than poorer countries, so I don’t see why the total amount of people wouldn’t be smaller with more people in a richer country.
So environmentalists are supposed to tell immigrants to go pollute their own country?
I’m pretty sure most immigrants to the US come from countries with significantly worse environmental standards, so it may actually be better for the global environment for them to come here. Perhaps not better for specific local environments, but that issue is migration, not immigration.
I am shocked, shocked that this report was written by an Italian-American and a WASP!
Trying to use environmentalism to justify immigration controls seems mostly to serve nativist ends. Global population matters to overall sustainability of agriculture and biodiversity. Local population matters where there are water & disease issues. Trying to regulate movement in and out of a large state or federation based on these issues is colossally missing the point.
I caught part of Bonnie Erbe’s To the Contrary tonight, and she was trotting out this line again. I don’t watch her show much, so I don’t know how much she’s gone over to the nativist right, but I know she says she thinks we pay too much in tax, & she likes this kind of simplistic anti-immigrant crud.
Yes, liberals are hypocrites because they oppose access to birth control and are trying to cut funding for Planned Parenthood. Oh, wait, that’s conservatives.
How does keeping people out of the US make them reproduce less, exactly ?
If anything, birth rates in first world countries are markedly lower than those of the third and fourth world ones so if that guy was really being honest about his anti-natalist argument* he should be calling for more immigration, not less.
*(which he quite evidently isn’t, and I’m nonplussed that you could for even a minute think this horseshit would fool anybody into thinking it’s *really *about the environment.)
Nobody on the left wants to come within spitting distance of the certain truth that environmental issues and population are two sides of one coin. As a biologist and environmentalist, there is no issue where I find myself further afield from Democratic dogma than that all humans have the right of unchecked reproduction, and that all races must be equalized before any other solution can be conceived.
The First World is approaching stability, but the the Third World is flooding the First World with more mouths than can be fed. The Democratic and humanitarian impetus that compassion demands is that we find room and sustenance for all, but where is the end of it?
Science predicts that world population will peak at 9 billion or so, but that is an unsustainable total. That many souls can only be achieved on this planet if we sacrifice all remaining wildlands and species upon the altar of unchecked growth.
You heard it here folks: to solve the global warming problem, all we have to do is cross the border into Mexico. BAM, problem solved as our individual carbon footprints decreases by 75% ! Overnight !!
Yeah, not really.
Carbon footprints are not linear: an “individual’s” carbon footprint is generated by his car of course (which I would assume lettuce pickers do not own), but that’s only a drop in the bucket.
For the most part, the disparity in carbon footprints between first and third worlds is based on power generation, food distribution, mass transportation and so forth. Those do not vary *that *much whether there’s 2 or 10 million people living in the city, especially not with nuclear power (more common in the West). There’s also the footprint caused by farming & heavy industries - but once again, those are not really dependant on population. All of the farming & grazing soil in the US is already used exhaustively, the only change population brings there is that more of it has to stay home instead of being sold abroad (or subsidized to be destroyed).
So, I think what I’m saying is: cite for that quadruple footprint quote. Where did dear Diana pull it, exactly ?
Diana also assumes that carbon emissions cannot be reduced at all in reaction to any increase caused by population. Which is not true either.
Dude, you really need to find a few more degrees of separation between your various cites and Tanton. Your latest, Diana Hull is on the advisory board of FAIR. Guess who founded that?
Couldn’t you at least mix it up some and cite the Pioneer Fund or VDare?
Try playing the ball not the man. If you think the figures about the increased carbon footprint are wrong, point that out. Otherwise your guilt by association stuff is really not getting us towards the truth of the matter.
It’s either that or they do. Can’t you conservatives just pick a position and stay with it for 10 minutes: Here and Here
[“the long-time leftist belief that if we don’t get the population under control, our society is doomed”](the long-time leftist belief that if we don’t get the population under control, our society is doomed)
["libs still believe in population control "](libs still believe in population control)
“Progressives For Immigration Reform” is just another front group for anti-immigration leader John Tanton. By no means whatsoever is it an authentic Progressive organization.