Are foot massages only for SO's?

I’ve always been of the opinion that a foot massage should be reserved for one’s SO. I feel like it’s a romantic thing, and personal as well.

The only other person that has given me a foot rub other than my boyfriend was my sister’s ex. I was 12 and he was 20. It was awkward as hell, and maybe that’s why I hold that opinion.

Other than a massuse, is there ever an appropriate time to get a foot rub from someone who is not your SO?

I think of an SO as someone in a pretty serious relationship. I think people on a date without any strings attached could do foot massages. Not sure if you meant to include that as an ‘SO’ relationship.

I totally would include that as well.

I believe this debate has already been had:

Good ol’ Pulp Fiction. :wink:

I’m with Vincent on this issue.

You didn’t even get to the part where Vincent explains WHY a foot massage is a big deal:

IT’s at that point Jules appears convinced.

If I gave a foot massage to a woman other than my wife, my wife would be furious and offended, and she would absolutely be justified.

Damn you! You beat me to it!!

If only Harvey Weinstein was a Doper, we could get the definitive opinion on this pressing issue.

Please don’t even bring that royal asshat’s name up here.

I think a foot massage is like dancing.

Sometimes it means “let’s fuck” and sometimes it doesn’t.

Some spouses/partners think it’s a problem, others don’t.

? I guess I am the odd person out here, a foot massage is just a foot massage. Now if it were a naked whole body massage, that is different [though I have gotten naked whole body massages from a friend, he was in school for massage therapy at the time and my husband was there the whole time, and he got his whole body massage from Max as well.] Now shrimping as part of the foot massage takes it to the sexual level.

Yeah, but would she throw you off a balcony, through a greenhouse, and give you a speech impediment?

Well, it seems excessive, but that doesn’t mean it couldn’t happen.

I’ve given foot rubs to my cousin. I don’t understand what the big deal is.

If a relative or close friend has tired feet, and you don’t offer to give the person in question a foot rub, I think that you’re inconsiderate.

I like me some foot rubbing!

I’ve studied therapeutic massage, as has my wife. We’ve given foot massages to friends, of both genders. No big deal.

But then again, I stick knives into people on a regular basis, and my wife doesn’t mind that. So we’re not your average couple.

Nah. I’ve been invited to weddings just for my ability and willingness to massage feet at the reception and the wife is fine with the concept. When you have a skill, use it. :wink:

You know what? My ex asked me to rub her feet occasionally, and I hated it.

It felt demeaning to me.

Feet are kinda rough, and ugly, and smelly.

Maybe that’s why she’s my ex. What a horrible thing to be asked to do. Feet suck.

The end.

My dentist’s office keeps offering them, so I hope this thesis is wrong. I haven’t taken them up on it, because I’d feel a little weird about it.