Enough with the “Are {insert your favorite group here} taking over in GD” threads! Geez! Give it a rest!
Shouldn’t one of Alphagene, John Corrado, Lynn Bodoni be complaining about this?
To the title: Yes.
Are Tom Petty and the Heartbreakers taking over GD?
God, one can only hope.
Enderw24 says:
Um… isn’t this the 21st century?
Are great debates taking over the GD?
We can only fear.
Are dopers taking over the GD?
Parody threads are great.
They’re still my favorite group. And they’re back and better than ever!
Is Tom Petty’s backup band always the Heartbreakers, or are those a specific group of guys?
Tom Petty is a National Treasure. We should kidnap him and imprison him within the Smithsonian.
Ann Coulter is a national treasure. We should lock her up in a vault in Fort Knox.
If you’re gonna have a rocker taking over GD, I think Bono would be the obvious choice. He and Paul O’Neill could go back and forth about the best way to combat poverty and suffering in sub-Saharan Africa.
I don’t think these idiots are fucking, unless it is with their hands.
You’d prefer Bad Religion?
Who is fucking idiots, and why?
And must we watch?
Must our children be exposed to this?
<Mrs Lovejoy> Think about the chiiiilllldren! </Mrs Lovejoy>
They can’t take over and chew gum at the same time. Fucking idiots.
So much for my Are Klingon Warriors taking over in CS thread, huh?
Are moderators taking over in MPSIMS?
A collaboration. Reads like this:
lieu, please refrain from making such harsh comments about Elenfair 's children.
“Sex Cauldron? I thought they closed that place years ago?”
Oh and knock off threads make baby Jesus cry.
Yes…but it’s been going on for a while