The threads of ‘Jihad’ dicussion of security issues concerning about people of Middle eastern origin, because of Islamic terrorism, people have come out to stop the denouncement of Islam and yet continue to critisize Chrisianity and Hinduism. Why does this continue? A doper opens his mouth (otto) and is immediately scrutinised himself and subjected to ridicule. Why can’t we have a meaningful dicussion about the effects of Islam on western societies. Can’t we have a new disscussion instead of the same old crap of how evil and misguided Christianinty is?
Y’know this stands a good chance of ending up as a train wreck don’t you?
Some of the more seasoned posters on this board will take a dim view of your opinion, not only because you’ve only just registered but also because your contribution towards the debates have been pretty insignificant.
For the record; The poster’s name is ottto.
The posters name is now Brutus, for what it’s worth. Too many Otto/Ottto/0tt0/etc about.
A) I may take offence at being a ‘doper’, if I ever find out what that means.
B) Having X amount of posts doesn’t really mean much, does it? Apart from having plenty of spare time (which I do!), that is.
C) It appears that muslims can do no wrong here. It is all somehow the fault of the oppressive white-male dominated christian western culture.
Train wreck indeed.
Oh yes.
Well, if we can trouble ourselves with facts, and not self-indulgent fantasies to feed our little pitiful martyrdom complexes, we might note the following:
(a) When making sweeping generalizations about an area of discussion and one has evidently only just arrived, one generally looks like a fucking moron.
(b) When the posters in question show little to no grasp of either logic or fact, making assertions which are indeed false – that would be Montezuma by the way-- and generally following a line of argument which reflects little to no command of the subject, then we here rightly attack said ‘arguments.’
© In general sockpuppets are not welcomed here. That was in registration.
(d) the actual characterization of the arguments in re Xtianity (or Hinduism for that matter, a bizarre assertion rather reflecting your lack of knowledge about the board) is false. In the main thread, which I leave to someone else to link to in GD, we find you whinging on with little support for your presumption. That same may be said for our “Brutus” who appears to be joining us with a bit of history, but no matter. Oppressive ‘white male’ blah blah is your idiotic contribution, I see none of it in the root thread --rather the contrary actually-- so if your dim simian brain is able to grasp actual arguments rather than simply repeating ad hoc neo-Con PC speech, you might wish to adjust your squeeling to be at least marginally more reflective of actual fact.
Just a hint, but you probably want to e-mail an administrator and ask them to change the “Ottto” name to “Brutus” and get rid of this one. Having more than one user name is not allowed on this board.
As to the substance of the OP, I don’t have any problem with people bringing up topics of Islamism, security concerns after September 11, or the effects of Islam on western socities.
However, I do have a problem when people who totally ignorant of Islam (and the same would be true for Christianity) come in, make false statements about the religion, and talk about Islam as if the religion were the greatest threat to the world there is and that there’s some Muslim plot to take over the world, and all Muslims are fanatic sheep, blindly obeying the instructions of some mullah.
I didn’t make a point about having ‘X amounts of posts’, what I was trying to get across is the fact that some people here enjoy debating and have been doing so for quite a while. Someone who pretty much just signed up coming along and bemoaning the topics being debated stands a good chance of having his ass handed to him.
Also Brutus, you’re ottto? Did you ask an Admin to change your name or just re-register?
Oh and on preview - What Collounsbury said, because he used longer words than me
Hmmm…Tell you what - You do a search on every poster that in your opinion has tried “to stop the denouncement of Islam” ( I should be one of them ) and let me know how many of them have then turned around and leveled blanket criticisms at all Christians and Hindus.
If you can prove I have, I’ll send you a crisp new $100 bill. Or we can figure out a way to do it with some online service or through third parties to maintain anonymity if you like. No kidding.
As you might imagine I disagree with your assessment, but I am curious what you are basing it on.
Ottto. His has been ridiculed because his contributions have for the most part had very few solid facts attached ( a sin in GD ). That and his general manner suggests to me a certain casual bigotry, though I hope I’m wrong on that and it is just ignorance.
Spounds fine to me. If it is rational.
I’m not crazy about Christian-bashing threads either ( and there have been some ). But I still don’t get this equivalence between “Islam-defending” and “Christian-bashing”. Because you do one does not imply you do the other.
- Tamerlane
Montezuma: Welcome to the Straight Dope!
Here, we take a dim view towards sweeping, unsubstantiated generalizations. Especially in an OP.
Perhaps you may want to rephrase that and provide us with some examples.
Also, you say “scrutinized” like it’s a bad thing. You may want to take another look at the homepage: the declared purpose of this board is fighting ignorance; the latter cannot be conducted without scrutiny and investigation.
(Oh, and the 2nd undeclared purpose of the board is making wisecracks, IMHO).
I might add that there are a variety of boards on the internet where scrutiny is not mandatory.
Montezuma-about what I’d expect from a poster who is concerned that his son doesn’t like to drink and that he has a crush on a Muslim girl.
Isn’t this a spoof on the other “Christian Warriors” thread? Like, as they say, “whoosh” or is it really serious?
Yes it is a spoof.
Oh, well, see. I knew he was a nice guy; I just knew it. Gotta have faith in people, right?
Sorry Guin, take a step back.
She wasn’t worried that he didn’t like to drink. I think her post had a great deal of tounge in cheek because her son was acting with maturity, instead of the immaturity displayed by his friends. Perhaps her post didn’t coherently display that, but I suppose its a slight cultural difference between the US and North Eastern Europe.
She was worried that her family might have restraints about their daughter dating his son, and she was worried of the effect that might have on him.
Again, Monte could do with a little more coherency in her posts, and perhaps that is why people can easily take the other side of the stick from what she is holding.
D’oh! Color me wooshed!
Montezuma-Please, PLEASE forgive me.
A “Doper” is someone who posts on The Straight Dope Message Boards.
Why what you do? I’ll forgive you in advance.
Thanks I really like being called a girl:rolleyes:
My apologies, I thought you were female.
I defend you and you roll your eyes at me?
Sorry for my rolling. Thanx for defending me!