Are Kellyanne and George Conway declaring a truce?

I don’t because look at her parents and how they live their lives in the public. I was pretty much mature at 13 or 14 and I don’t believe in the worship of shitty parents or shitty politicians. I’ve known plenty of 15 year-olds who were more capable of healthy adulting than their parents and just having a high profile and high 6 figure income doesn’t make one fit to be one. Plus my son went through something similar, which had a lot to do with his mom being a batshit crazy celebrity groupie among other things. And I was legally unable to do anything. So I guess it’s easy for me to have sympathy for the kid.

Kellyanne Conway was on Real Time with Bill Maher on Friday. The interview is worth watching, if you have missed Mrs. Alternative Facts.

Anyway, I noticed that she was not wearing a wedding ring. Has she worn a wedding ring in the past? Are things not hunky-dory at the Conway household?

Dated Aug 24. No ring.

There seem to be few photos of her that are not just head or head/shoulders.

Google ‘kellyanne conway hands’

Turn the Family Filter on.

Thanks, didn’t think of that.
Found several pictures from 2017-2019. Some with a ring, some without.

Is this what the Politics and Elections forum has become. Salacious gossip about the marital status of people in the news?

Speculation about “Alternative Spouses” is always of interest.

Considering who she is married to it is very much still politics and elections.

Next we will all have potty mouths!


My point is
I thought this forum was a bit more erudite.
If you wanna gossip, take it to cafe society or IMHO.

It is.

Considering who she is married to it is very much still politics and elections.

Blink twice if the bad man with the gun (who made you open this thread) is still standing behind you.

We’ll, I opened this thread because I thought there might be news, such as that Kellyanne had repented her ways and joined the Lincoln Project or some such. But no, it’s just a bunch of yentas.
But, you’re right, of course, no one is forcing me to be here. Have at it.

If I may repurpose a phrase from feminism, “the personal is the political.”

The only reason I personally give a shit about George and Kellyanne’s relationship is the way in which it intersects with the political sphere. In saying this, I think I speak for most posters who have read this thread. If they were two randos from Nowhere City in a Miscellaneous American State, with zero impact on public life, I’d wish them well because I don’t arbitrarily wish harm on other people, but I’d have no investment beyond that.

I’m not sure that caring if Kellyanne “repented” is morally superior to noticing that Kellyanne and George might be having marital issues due to their different responses to the Trump presidency.

Hmmmm…what happened to all that progress against misogyny that keeps getting complimented on SDMB?

You’re right.
I was using the term in a gender non specific way and as not so much an insult as a descriptor. But I failed to consider that it has a history as a derogatory term for a female. It also comes from the yiddish culture, so I managed to insult two communities at once

I apologise, and will strive to be more aware.

And with that, I’m done with this thread.

Apology offered and accepted.

Ignorance successfully fought. A win for all.