Are 'leagues' bullshit?

That’s somewhat interesting, but I don’t know how much credence I would put into it. Like Martian Bigfoot says, the strategy is pretty easy. Each person would start by asking the 10 to pair, then ask for the 9, and so on until they aren’t rejected. They were told to try to pair up with the highest number they could find.

What would be more interesting to me was if the subjects had been rated from most to least attractive, but they couldn’t see the ratings, just the scientists on the side knew the ratings. Then all the people were told to just pair up with the person they would most like to pair up with. This seems to be more of a real world situation to me. Then if those people still matched up a 10 with a 10, a 9 with a 9, and so on, then that would be an interesting conclusion to me. I’m guessing there would still be some correlation, but it wouldn’t be exact. Instead of a 10 with a 10, a 9 with a 9, it would probably be more like a 10 with an 9, a 9 with a 7, and so on.

Thanks for satisfying my curiosity. He seems to have a good outlook on things. There’s nothing wrong with realizing that one person in a relationship is more conventionally attractive than the other, but neither person should think of themselves as better or above the other person.

One small problem with this is that attraction has a subjective component. A scientist may rate a person with enormous feet as a 4, but another subject might have a huge foot fetish that overrides the scientific rating.

Actually, though, I think it would work with a big enough sample size so that outliers don’t have too big an effect. Most people, are, after all, pretty darned conventional.

(In any case, sign me up, because in addition to being an experiment, if would be an excellent way to get a date! Unless no one wanted to pair off with me… make sure to have psychiatric help on hand for the least popular test subjects.)

“You told me again you preferred handsome men / but for me you would make an exception”…

It depends on what you mean. Are there certain people who consider themselves very attractive and think so poorly of less attractive people that they won’t give them a chance? Sure. Can you sometimes identify them just through observation? Sure. IN that sense they can be out of your league, but that’s because they are jerks.

Is there a general trend that more attractive people tend to date more attractive people? Again, yes. But can you tell just by how attractive someone is whether they will want to date you? No. And is there any real stratification of this? Definitely not.

Others have touched on the other aspects of leagues.

Generally you see attractive people seeking out the same. From a guy’s perspective on the romantic perspective, money is a great equalizer if one is deficient in the looks department or perhaps is just average in that area, and is seeking out a woman that is beautiful. I’ve noticed that super brains can also attract some beautiful women. Or if the guy is only average in looks, but truly does have a great personality, especially can always get her laughing, barring any major character defects, I think he’s back in her league again. So it depends on what is in the equation, on whether or not someone is in their league or not, and what is important to one gender, isn’t necessarily so in the other.

If one figures in more factors, there is a lot to consider, and yes one truly can be out of your league. I’m thinking mostly of looks, economics, smarts, and personality. Also probably height for a guy, if he is shorter than the woman he was seeking especially if it was by quite a bit, that isn’t going to work for a great deal of women. If you are really deficient in any of these, you’re going to have problems. If you are only somewhat deficient, but have something going for you in the other areas, then that can often make up for it. Most of us are average in most areas.

But surely no one thinks a unattractive male, broke, unemployed, short, much older, overly obese, and dropped out of high school, has a 85 IQ, and is awkward around people has any chance in hell in being with a tall, 30 year old female model with nice figure, great personality and good social skills, and also heiress to a fortune and member of Mensa, who also manages her own successful businesses. If so, good luck with all of that, and may you never wake up from your dream, and what you been smokin’, Willis? But you know, we’ve all met someone just like that who thought they did have a chance, and was completely oblivious.

I probably felt this way before I met my partner. That’s why he had to make the first move when we met. He knew I was interested, but there’s no way I would have approached him. And after more than 25 years, I still think he’s out of my league.

As in, “I can’t even begin to** fathom** why someone that hot would date that little troll?”