Are links to money-making sevices permitted in sig lines? Spam?

The OP in the thread has links in his sig line that seem rather…spam-ish. :dubious:

Does this violate Board rules?
Can I link to my Amazon Auctions & Marketplace listings, if not?

And…What About Naomi?

Generally speaking, links to money-making services are not permitted, however there are lots of exceptions. Example, the Straight Dope site itself has a “Buy things” section where we’d LIKE to make money, so a link to that section wouldn’t be permitted, but a link to the Straight Dope home page would be OK.

And sometimes links are allowed, IF – please note the qualifying “if” – you get an ok in advance from the Moderators. These are usually if the money-making services is some worthwhile cause (like “Save the Forest Rains!”). Again: you need advance permission.

When you find something that you think is a rules infraction, please, please, the best thing to do is to hit “REPORT THIS POST” button. I think it’s the exclamation point in the upper right corner of each post. We know, the instructions say only to report really terrible stuff. But we WANT you to report stuff, even if you’re not sure, so that we can decide. We just don’t have enough staff to read every post and search every link, and we rely on your help to monitor posts or links that you think are questionable. OK?
