Are my parents perhaps a bit odd (inheritance)? Well, fuck it, yes.

You’re right. I don’t really know why I got worked up now over that inheritance thing. I have been perfectly okay with them not sharing it for 15 years. In fact, I agree with most posters that inheritances are yours to keep and spend.

. Yeah. My ex and I lived together unmarried. Lot’s of Dutch people don’t marry. But when we broke up after 15 years, I still had to move out, and replace all my stuff.

featherlou, your’re right on both counts. And as to your question as to why I’m still being nice to my parents; well, that’s a very good question. Which I don’t have an answer to, I’m afraid.

In the end, I didn’t get married, so my Mom got to keep her 500 bucks. :slight_smile:
Having to invite my parents is a big reason of why I’m postponing a wedding.

I think I have to agree with Jodi on this one. I can’t imagine being bitter against my parents for not spending their money on me as an adult. They did take care of you in some way because you’re alive, intelligent and seemingly stable so something went right. Perhaps they made many mistakes but as their child, you aren’t owed anything.

I think I’m going to ask that this thread is closed. The posters calling me whiny are entirely correct; I am whiny. But I have the feeling that whining is something I have put off far too long and it is now way overdue.

But my OP is confusing in that it isn’t clear that
a My complaing about the inheritance is just a badly chosen example of the bigger complaint that I had, well, crappy parents. But having crappy parents just seemed not enough to build a pit-thread on.
And b: it isn’t clear that all of this happened years and years ago.
That’s what I get for getting all emotional while writing.

In the meantime, feel free to post more reactions. I’ve ranted, I’ve had a good cry, and I already feel better now.

I’m sorry it’s affecting you so much emotionally. I hope you get to feeling better at least.

I can’t speak for anyone else, but I am stunned by the idea of involving myself with the financial affairs of my parents. I’m 51 and my mother and father are 72 and 76. The only thing I want from them is as many healthy happy years of their company as they can give. Their financial arrangements are seriously none of my business.

No worries Maastricht. I and a couple of others understood you all half dozen times you clarified that it wasn’t about the inheritance. So moving on from that, shitty parents are just that… shitty. You have my sympathies and there’s no reason you can’t vent to your heart’s desire.


(People have faults, often you love them anyway.)

I’m sorry, Maastricht. Had I previewed and seen this post, I would not have added my 2 cents.

Thread closed per OP request.