Are Senators Scared OF Body Builders?

*Originally posted by Guinastasia *

Issues? Heck I don’t like it when I guy kicks my ass. Don’t you think it would be worse if it was a girl? Besides I was joking the whole ass kicking thing.

Annnnd your point? I will stop after this year if I do indeed start.

Am I ommitted from answering this question? :smiley:


I will post an answer to you tomorrow unless they want me to more work in the office(I hate when that happens)

Guin yes and no. Liek all things, it is a matter of degrees. On one end of the continuum is the person whose entire being is tied up in their appearence. On the other, the person who doesn’t care if they look like a manianc and smell like garbage.

Not everything is so somply black and white.

Now where WB falls, I can’t tell you. I know that I have very realistic personal goals and feel that I could take one or two cycles, just as some women could lose 10 lbs, and be happy.

pld I have come across that site before. The guy who owns it is a criminal defense atty for people busted with roids. I am not so sure he is unbiased. But still, I think it is more reliable than some of the goverment’s hyperbole.

Nailed it in one, Guin. :slight_smile:

Bill? Hello? We’re talking to you because we care. :wink:

Right, but we’ve answered your OP (which incidentally I don’t think anybody’s really buying–sorry :frowning: ), and we’ve given you a number of interesting and useful facts about the dangers of steroids, and you still keep on saying “gimme gimme gimme them roids”.

Eh, Bill, listen to yourself. Here’s what you’ve been saying for the last couple of days. You start off sounding fairly laid-back about this:

And then something changes–you’ve been talking this over with us–and suddenly you’re Mr. Obsessive-Compulsive:

And suddenly you’re talking about long-term steroid use, babe:

After this year? Geez. That’s a long way aways from “8 to 10 weeks”. Guin’s right, you sound like one of those people who says, “I can stop any time, I can handle this”. We’re worried about you, kiddo.
Oh, well. On to Wrestling:

Eh, Bill, I agree, I think Chyna looks really strange. She’s kinda over the top, granted. But do you see my point about teaching girls that it’s OK to have muscles?

Muscles equal strength. A guy with muscles looks strong. A guy who looks strong looks like he can take care of himself.

So bend the gender: Muscles equal strength. A girl with muscles looks strong. A girl who looks strong looks like she can take care of herself.


When you tell your daughter, “Guys don’t want to go out with a girl who has muscles”, you are also telling her, “Guys don’t want to go out with a girl who looks like she can take care of herself.” You are telling her, “Guys want to go out with a girl who looks like she can’t take care of herself.” You are telling her, “Guys will only want you if you look helpless.”

Bill! :eek: We’ve just spent the last 100 years trying to teach girls that they don’t need to stand around and look helpless and wait for some guy to come along and take care of them!

Get with the program, you Neanderthal, you! :smiley:

I don’t see why all these dopers are wasting their breath on WB. If he wants to fuck up his body, let him. You’ve warned him, you’ve given him information, and it looks to me like he’s ignoring it. He already has his mind made up. If he wants to learn the hard way then he’s the one that suffers.

WB, I didn’t see you say what your wife thought. You said she checks out your muscles, but what will she think if she knew you pretty much got them by “cheating”? There are plenty of ways to bulk up other than steroids. If you’re at the point where you can’t get any bigger, that’s your body hitting a wall, telling you that it’s all it can handle. Have you even tried Creatine (still a posibility of not being real healthy) yet? You definitely need to put a lot more thought in to this! Your family is obviously important to you, what do you think is more important to them, you looking like Top Gun or being around to see your grandkids? Like I said, put some thought into this.

Originally posted by Ankh_Too

This information pretty much backs my whole argument to a tee.

This is an excerpt from Tmag, Brock Strasser is interviewing Rick Collins the guy thatstarted the site


{Chopped cite down somewhat out of copyright concerns. Small excerpts and/or links only, please. In addition, if you do not link to the page you are quoting from, I generally have no way to evaluate how much you are quoting and tend to err on the side of caution. --Gaudere}

BS: Wait a minute, if most of the experts were against scheduling steroids as controlled substances, why did Congress do it?

RC: A review of the transcripts of the hearings suggests that health-risk concerns were secondary considerations to Congress. The most influential witnesses who testified were
representatives from either amateur or professional athletics.** Their testimony and, apparently, the main concern of Congress focused on legislating a solution to athletes who “cheated” with steroids in sports competitions.**

Congress devised a solution-amending the Controlled substances Act-and planned to proceed with or without the blessing of the DEA or the medical community. As a result, steroids stand out as an anomaly among the codeine derivatives, central nervous system depressants, and stimulants that form the rest of the Schedule-III substances. The Anabolic Steroids Control Act of 1990 was signed into law by President Bush as part of the Omnibus Crime Control Bill. The law applies in every federal court across the country. It places steroids in the same legal class-Schedule III-as amphetamines, methamphetamines, opium, and morphine.

Not according to the information provided above.

My point in camparing them too cigarettes and alcohol is because both of those drugs are legal to sell over the counter. Yet steroids you can’t even get from doctor(for use in bodybuilding because of the law.

Please see above again. Remember the AMA (DOCTORS) said they shouldn’t be made that illegal but congress did it anyway. Face it steroids are not as bad the world media would make you believe. Have ya’ll ever considered that maybe ya’ll are the ones “brainwashed” by the media and govt and I am absolutely right. I mean just don’t argue with me to argue me I really believe steroids being illegal is wrong. And if you look at the facts, you should too.

Personally, I’m doubtful that the general public is capable of making an informed decision, given the huge pharmacopeia that is availible in this day and age.

Point taken. But the people I talk are not trying to sell me roids. They just think it is outrage too. Now let me turn that around on you. Do you ever think that you are blithely excepting the drops from the foaming lips out of the sports bias media and the govt.

From the information I found clomid returns your testerone back to normal normal quicker. Therefore helping keep a good portion of your gains. Most people lose their size from not working out after a cycle.

[Edited by Gaudere on 02-09-2001 at 12:23 PM]

Bill, would it be acceptable to you to remove anabolics from Schedule III and return them to their prior status–available only through a doctor’s prescription?

Well, it would certainly be a start. If the doctors would prescribe them to people for bodybuilding(that way they could monitor any risk associated as such), then definetely yes.

PL after reading my cite, do you agree that sports are the reason they are considered a class III drug.

I didn’t disagree with you completely to begin with, I said the cause is a lot more complex than just that.

This country has a weird relationship with its mind- and body-altering substances. Most of them are illegal. Those that aren’t, we consume in outrageous amounts while decrying how harmful they are.

What I was trying to say to you before, with my dismissive “Because,” is that alcohol and tobacco have been such important substances in our history and culture that any attempt to ban them outright would be a failure. Prohibition proved that.

Other substances, though, have often been banned for reasons completely unrelated to their ability to do harm, and the bans were successful because of their relative novelty in American culture. (LSD and marijuana are good examples.)

A trip to a Phish concert will show that both these substances are readily available.

Thank you for the information, it’s an excellent foundation upon which to build. Unfortunately, the House sites only seem to go back to the 101st Congress, so the actual text of the testimony isn’t availible, or at least I haven’t found it yet.

I was speaking of the comparison to cigarettes/alcohol, not the sports angle.

Again, I think your comparison is flawed. You cannot buy steroids over the counter for use in body building, but then again you cannot buy amphetamines over the counter in order to stay up late and study or work more than you could without them. I think that is a much more accurate comparison than either cigarettes or alcohol.

No, Bill I won’t “face it”. If you notice, I haven’t used a single government or media source that attempts to demonize steroids or their “recreational” use. I cited a FAQ compiled by doctors, not government bureaucrats. Your cites (excepting the last one, which was rather impressive) consist of:

My point is simply that it’s not only the government and “media” who say that steroids have dangerous side effects. I think that you might be right when you say the side effects of the drugs have been played up, particularly by the “media” in an attempt to hype a story and gain the ratings upon which they depend.

It seems, however that you’re willing to dismiss any reports about the dangers of steroids, no matter what the source, simply because it says that there might actually negative side effects. The reasoning seems to be that because it supports the possibility that the government/media reports might have a basis in truth (no matter how they may have been inflated by hyperbole) the report must automatically be nothing more than more propoganda.

Where did you find the information? I’ve found several references that declare Clomid useful for increasing “natural” testosterone production after coming off a cycle:

Again, I haven’t seen anything online, certainly not from anything I would consider an “unbiased” source, that supports your annecdotal evidence that Clomid (or any other drug) will help keep the muscle mass that has been put on while using the steroids.

I have to say, I really don’t care which whether or not you take the steroids or not. I can’t even pretend to understand your motivation for doing so, but then, it’s not really any of my business.