Are Senators Scared OF Body Builders?

Well yea. Communist, terrorist, abortion doctors(butchers for short) and other type low lifes.

There are some others but you are wrong about doctors. I like doctors.

I also like some lawyers like corporate and tax attorney attorneys and I definetely like Jodi and Sua Sponte.

Senators are another group that you have pegged me wrong on. I like senators that pass fair laws and not hyprocritical ones like putting steroids in the class III drug category just because of sports when cigarettes and booze is still perfectly legal in spite of all of their harmful side effects.

Newspaper reporters I can take the ethical ones that print responsible and accurate news.

Nah, too easy. Anyone else?

Okay, somebody else brought up the daughters, so I’ll jump in.

Bill, are you familiar with the sport known as “professional wrestling”? WWF Smackdown? Vince McMahon? Of course you are. :slight_smile:

So of course you know who “Chyna” is, right?

Suppose one of your daughters came to you and said, “Daddy, I wanna look just like Chyna,” what would you say? “Gee, honey, that’s great, here, let me go to Mexico and get you some steroids!”

I don’t think so.

So, why is it okay for Daddy to use steroids to give himself a nice six-pack, and not okay for Daddy’s Girls?

Hey Duck Duck,

How have you have been. What if my daughters want to use, hmmm? Well, hopefully they never would because I really don’t find female body builders that attractive. I like females that tone what they have and everything but after bulk up they start to look like a guy. So hopefully me saying things like, "you know they don’t look attractive as women when they get that big(say when we are watching a show or something)they won’t ever want to get that big.

And if they do well, at first to be honest and try to discourage them. Telling them that no guy wants to guy with a girl that can kick ass for fun. So they will be big but they probably won’t be going on many dates.

If that didn’t work, I would first tell them to research it massively and bring me a report on their study. We would discuss it, look at their goals and the risks associated with the plan then go from there. Again, I would discourage them based on the way girl bodybuilders look. Especially the pictures from you’re cite. Talk about the reverse of Aerosmith’s song “chick looks like man”. Shrudder.

and btw I don’t like wrestling kinda silly to me.


I saw that mistake too. What I can say other than fire away. That one was a baddy.

I meant to say no guy want to “date” a girl that can kick his ass for fun. Busy today so I forgot to proof read.

So…because guys normally find thin women to be attractive, you’d have no trouble with them doing heroin? Weird reasoning here, WB.

Okay, let’s turn it around, then. You start using steroids to give yourself a nice six-pack. In effect, you are saying to your daughter, “Hey, I wanna look like The Rock.”

And your daughter says,

How does your wife feel about this, Bill? Does she want you to look like The Rock? :wink:

No not heroin, because usually their teeth fall out. :smiley:

And, um, I don’t wanna hijack this thread from “the legality of steroids” onto “male chauvinism”, but you do realize, don’t you, that when you tell your daughters, “No guy wants to go out with a woman who looks like she could beat him in a fight”, you’re sending them a strong message that says “muscles are unfeminine”? I’d have to disagree strongly with you on that. :wink:

Duck Duck,

Too funny. Turn about is fair play after all. Buuuuttt, my wife me likes me getting bigger. I catch her feeling on my biceps, shoulders and chest more lately. Which leads to the more interesting parts, if you know what I mean. :smiley:

Besides I don’t want to get as big as the Rock. I want to get looking like those dudes playing volleyball on the movie “Top Gun”. That is a good attractive size and you can still do other sports like wakeboarding which I really enjoy.

I’ll be honest guys while sometimes I like working out in the gym other times my elbows and shoulders hurt because of the amount of weight(heavy maybe 8 reps til failure) I am doing. I have trouble walking two or three day after blasting the ole legs. You see I find working out as hard and not all that fun sometimes. But then when I look in the mirror or have my wife come on to me more or have people saying “man you are looking good” That is motivating to me to go back and work my butt off again.

But I know to get the kind of body I want it will take alot of hard work getting there. But I will do whatever is necessary to get there(I like to achieve my goals). If roids help me get there quicker(even though you work out just as hard maybe harder), then I can’t wait to get my hands on them.

Duck Duck,

I never said I don’t like tone muscles on women. That looks good. But please don’t tell me that you find that Cheyna chick attractive. In otherwords, would you want to marry a girl that looked like that. And be honest.

If you’re not doing it already, you might want to talk to the folks at your gym about a good stretching regimen for you to follow. That should cut way down on the pain and potential injuries.

Thanks Necros,

I do stretch that helps with the shoulders some. But man the elbows not much you can do about those. Those suckers hurt when you are doing heavy military and incline bench with dumbbells.

Wildest Bill, could you please for the love of all that you hold dear, set aside your rambling paranoid theories for ten seconds and address the points I brought up in my previous post. While I don’t pretend to believe that it is a difinitive argument against your thesis, it does raise factual questions that you should at least consider before moving on.

I’d also like to note that you haven’t presented a single piece of evidence to support your idea that (and correct me if I’m wrong, because I’m having a helluva time wading through the raving illogic that is your hypothesis) the government wants to keep them illegal because otherwise, sports would be damaged. I think part of your problem lies in the fact that the basis for your outrage is built upon a shaky foundation. You continually compare them to cigarettes and alcohol, when in truth they should be compared to any other drug that is available only through the prescription of a doctor. You may argue, as some have, that they should be made availible over the counter, so that the consumer is able to make the decision about which drugs they wish to take. But even those that have agreed with you that steroids should be made legal to use, have not supported your idea that the reason they are currently illegal has anything to do with sports on either the high school or professional level. Personally, I’m doubtful that the general public is capable of making an informed decision, given the huge pharmacopeia that is availible in this day and age.

Your willingness to dismiss any scientifically backed information that raises the possibility of deleterious short term effects on either your body or your emotional state, while at the same time blithely assuming that every word of encouragement that drops from the foaming lips of a hyped up 'roid head is the One True Truth leaves me with grave doubts about your own ability to make a rational decision. Did it ever occur to you that some people seem so positive about the beneficial effects of steroids for ‘recreational’ use because they want to sell you steroids?

You plan to use them for a short period of time, just to “get you to where you want to be”. What are you going to do if, as I suspect and all the documented evidence suggests, that six weeks or so after you stop your ‘cycles’ you notice that you’re not retaining the muscle mass you gained during your use of the steroids? You seem to believe that the use of Clomid is going to help you retain all your muscle mass, but I wasn’t able to find any information that supported that belief. So what are you going to do if you don’t retain your muscle gain and your body starts to revert back to what it is now?

hint: this is how short term use turns into long term abuse.


I will answer your post shortly doing some research to answer your points and still trying to make living at work ya know. :wink:

I just wanted you know that I am going to answer you and that I didn’t blow you off or anything.

Q: is there a good unbiased source concerning steroids that discusses long, medium and short term use?

I think that part of the problem Bill is having, and that I am certainly having is that teh anti-drug folks have lost every shred of credibility over the years. I can find tons of misleading, hyperbolic anti-pot information claiming that it does everything from cause heroin addiction to causing infertility. I can also find a bunch of info from potheads suggesting that it cures asthma and cancer. IMHO, the war on drugs has caused a lot more rolling eyes than abstinence.

Somewhere in between lies the truth.

Mr. Z., the site that I linked to on the first page concerning steroid law has a lot of information on effects. (If you can’t find the link, it is, unsurprisingly, It appears to be slightly pro-steroid, at least the way I read it.


Not laughin’ at ya man, but laughin’ my ass off all the same. No offense…we all have our little liabilities

You seem remarkably level headed and cheerful. Why screw that up? (From what I’m catching here of the short-term affects…)
Anyway, luck to you

Oh shoot, I meant to say - no guy “would” want to “date” a girl that can kick his ass just for fun. Did I get it right this time? How embarrassing. Yep I bared by ass on that one. I love that word.

And thanks inor for the compliment.

Seems a guy who’s afraid of a girl who could “kick his ass” has some issues about himself…

Bill, as usual, your arguments aren’t holding up. To me, you sound like the buleimic saying, “Just one more purge, I’ll stop when I get down to where I want to be.” Or the anorexic saying “Just one more week of not eating, then I’ll stop.”
Anyone else agree, or am I just pulling this out of my arse?