Are the following facts both true [Holocaust denial and WTC denial]

Dollars to donuts (or should I say “Good old American money to plain white bread”?) you’ll never get an answer from the OP.

I like the way Trevor Noah (I’m fairly certain 'twas he) put it: “People are more offended by being called racist than by stating their racist views. Don’t want to be called racist? Don’t be racist.” The OP doesn’t want to be called a Holocaust denier, but he is one.

I’m going to have to say those aren’t the only indicators showing him to be an ignoramus and an idiot.

By the way, msutang19, what is your native language? Do you even have a native language? English certainly isn’t on your list of languages in which you have competency.

Since the OP seems to have abandoned us we can only speculate but this thread again reminds me of what seems to be true of all 9/11 truthers. He’s found that one fact, that one little thing that exposes the big lie and all we have to do is see it.

Of course, there are few to none among us who are doubtful enough about the 9/11 narrative to be convinced by one single fact, no matter how “true” it might be.

From what I can parse of the OP he seems to be making a connection between the temperatures involved. The holocaust ovens burned hotter than the WTC fires yet the ovens stayed together when these giant buildings just fell apart!

So how about this? Let’s fire up a similar oven to temperatures that exceed the WTC fires. And then let’s hit the fucking thing with an airliner and see how it does then.

I’m not so sure about the ‘few to none’ estimate. I have a close family member, well-educated, articulate, otherwise inquiring of mind (except he’s into homeopathy and chi gong but anyway…)

A few years ago he sent me a DVD exposing the lies of the WTC collapses. It took me many months but I finally watched it. Despite the supposed evidence, and even without any scientific or engineering credentials, I was able to see the claims for the bullshit they were.

There are plenty of smart people out there who are swayed by propaganda. I don’t quite understand how or why this happens, but it does.

TLDR…my family member has been dropped from my ‘smart people who I would ask advice from about anything, ever’ list. :smiley:

So then give the correct numbers. All I have seen in this thread is circumstantial crap arguments.

The answer is 42.

The circumstances are called reality, as in real science. The crap is your nonsense. You’re not showing yourself to be smarter than the majority of posters here. You’re not even showing yourself smarter than a potato.

Or, if you prefer, the answer is 2.

  1. The Holocaust happened. Some of the technical details might be in error, but it doesn’t dispute the event/s.

  2. The World Trade Centre was destroyed by terrorists flying planes into the buildings. Some of the details might be in error, but it doesn’t dispute the event/s.

Dude just come out with your stupid gotcha.
Are you saying that the WTC was built like a crematorium or that the crematoriums were built like skyscrapers?

A circumstantial* potato.

*not sure what it means, but sounds worse than a regular potato

Come on dude, out with it. It is late here in the US and I have an early meeting at Deep State headquarters and then I have to go round to pick up my crisis actor paychecks. I think I might have a paid protester gig in the afternoon, i’ll have to check my schedule.

And all I wondered about today was a few “alternative facts”.

No such thing. There’s opinions, there’s delusions, then there’s facts.

Try reading the posts not made by yourself.

a half-baked potato, maybe.

A climate denialist potato

As I say to my son at times:


Nothing you’ve written so far makes any sense at all. I don’t know what’s right or wrong with any particular temperature someone might suggest for the two events.

Because you cant even answer the question its obvious that all of you see the holocaust as a white supremacist Zionist myth.

Maybe the user name and password are the same thing. I would test it out with mustang19, but that sounds like some kind of violation.

(ETA: Mods, have you ever heard that as a socking excuse? “I wasn’t socking, I was just trying to see if I could guess his password!”)

Hmmm… I read this crackpot theory another way. He could be saying that if I believe the WTC-- that planes flew into it to make it fall down-- then I’m denying that Dubya Bush planted the bombs there and orchestrated the whole thing. So if I a) accept that the GOP planned and executed the whole 9/11 tragedy then b)the holocaust is true.

1)GOP guilty of starting the largest tragedy on American soil and
2)Nazis imprisoned and tortured Jews and other POWs

I don’t believe it, and I don’t see how it helps the trumpets crowd like Mustwang show they must be part of this line of bullshit. But I do like blaming dumbass orgs (the GOP) of shenanigans now and then.

:: rolls eyes ::

He was lurking; learning the board’s intricacies and culture when our failed healthcare system took away his meds.