Are the following facts both true [Holocaust denial and WTC denial]

Yeah, that’s what I figure too. But like I said all kinds of denialism seem to go together. If you’re a truther or birther you’re apt to be Holocaust denier too. That’s what makes him so strange. (He also says he thinks Sovereign Citizens are Fascists, even though he seems to share some of their magical thinking.)

I’m more wondering what made him make his very first post ever today after being a member here for over 6 years!

There’s been a few of 'em, especially over recent months. I would expect the norm would be, join up, ask all sorts of questions, then either hang around forever (mea culpa) or just drift away. Not: Join, say nothing for years, then out of the blue jump on again in a flurry of activity.

And how the fuck do these people remember their usernames and passwords??

One of the infinite number of typewriters broke, so they sent it out for repairs and gave him the day off.

Just like Donald Trump has a feel for science because his uncle was a professor, I have a feel for logic because Spock was my favorite character on Star Trek.

What you have to do is accept one claim as true and reject the other claim.

And as Spock has famously concluded, “And Bob’s your uncle.”

How do you have infinite typewriters, and not have a spare?

This thread makes less and less sense with every post!

It’s simple. If you have infinite typewriters and ONE goes out for repairs, you don’t have infinite typewriters anymore.

Well, there are infinity “operators” each assigned to one of the infinity typewriters.

But I suppose if typewriter #N breaks you could give typewriter #(x+1) to operator #x for all x>=N, then every operator still has a typewriter.

OK, the total amount of nonsense may be steadily increasing, but I think the amount of nonsense per post reached a maximum at post #16.

Can’t argue with math.

Wild guess: somebody got called a Holocaust Denier somewhere, got a twist in his knickers, and is trying to pretend that disagreeing with any detail of any account of the Holocaust is the same as being a full-on Denialist. Then he tries to get the Evil Rational People to disagree with some technical detail of an account in order to play gotcha, thinking that it somehow conceals or mitigates his behavior.

Where the World Trade Center fits into this, I’m still not sure. That connection seems to be completely swamped in the blithering incoherence.

I think this is all somehow related to banks making infinite profit.
WTC <-> Jews <-> Banks

or something.

This is way too much fun not to get into.

I found the most elaborately thorough analysis of crematoria in Germany imaginable, The Crematoria Ovens of Auschwitz and Birkenau by Carlo Mattogno. He gives the history of crematoria in Germany, discusses the many experiments that went into getting the optimal temperature for quickest disintegration of bodies, and even estimates the pounds of coke burned per body. There was not, of course, only one type of oven used everywhere so nothing can be said globally about what the “holocaust did.” His conclusion that the most efficient practices topped out at a temperature of 1000°C for coffins and 900°C for bodies. Higher temperatures not only required more fuel but were inefficient in other ways: it would actually take longer to burn bodies at 1100°C than 900°C. He says that temperatures of above 1600°C were absolutely impossible and that no crematoria of the day went over 1000°C in practice.

Here’s the beauty part. Mattogno is a holocaust denier. His researches, stretching over 1200 pages in three volumes, were designed to prove that survivor accounts of the ovens at Auschwitz were not possible with the crematoria of the day.

That leaves the OP with a neat existential dilemma. Does he believe the massive detailing of a fellow holocaust denier even though it refutes his contentions or does he throw out the work as unsupported nonsense that has no relation with the truth?

Place your bets.

I bet he does both. Fie on your logical dichotomies! :smiley:

It’s about 54 posts long, so far.

I think the angle is that he’s a WTC conspiracy theorist, not a holocaust denier. He’s trying to say that if you accept what they want to you to believe about the WTC, it implies that the holocaust didn’t happen the way they say. The official account of the WTC and the official account of the holocaust cannot both be true, because [insert gibberish here].

Nobody wants to be called a holocaust denier. So, once we have eliminated the impossible, we must accept that whatever remains, however improbable, is the truth: the WTC is still standing, hidden under a tarp.

The following facts are true:

The OP is an ignoramus about the WTC-9/11 attacks.

And he is also an idiot for following holocaust denial gotchas.

I think I follow his “logic”, but I have no idea why he linked the two (and he’s wrong).

If 1000°C (or less) caused the World Trade Center buildings to fall, but the crematoriums of the Holocaust required 1800°C to operate, then one of those numbers must be wrong. He is arguing, based on the “evidence” he presented, that the 1800°C is right, so WTC must be wrong. If you believe in WTC, then you must be a Holocaust denier! :eek:

His numbers are wrong, among other flaws. So many flaws.

Wake up, sheeple!

There are not enough drugs in the world to deal with the fractal wrongness of this poster.

By Jove! I think you’ve got it.
Your ability to decode that nonsense reminds me a bit of Beckdawreck’s ability to parse Leo Bloom’s word salad.

Re the joining and not posting for years, that smells of socks. Or The Deep State. Depends on your political bent.