Are widows really being forced into prostitution by the Sudanese government?

I was sitting here conversing with one of my more “colorful” buddies when he told me this wild story about how over in the Sudan, if a man dies while owing a large sum of money to the government, his wife is obligated to pay off his debt. If she can’t do it, then the government will force her to work in a whore house until the debt is paid in full :dubious:
I thought to myself, ** Thats got to be the craziest thing I’ve heard in years** :smiley:

Has anyone in here ever heard of such a thing? :slight_smile:

Why not? Seems fair to me. That’ll teach her to marry such scum!

Are you debating whether or not what the government does, if it does it at all, is right?

The way you have phrased it suggests that this should be in GQ. And the titles could be a bit more specific.

Please elaborate for me.

I was wondering if this actually goes on over there. When I was told this, I couldn’t stop laughing for the life of me. He said that on the streets, all of their english speaking customers all have a name for them. He says they all call them Prosti-Whores… :smiley: .

You know, I can’t imagine this being true, but if it is, that’s got to be one messed up way of paying off a debt :smiley:

The Sudan is one of the most messed-up places in the world. What you are describing is debt slavery, and it is not the only kind of slavery that’s rife out there. Here is a site with more info. Nor is slavery the only great evil: Is There Genocide In Sudan?

Moderator’s Note: Gave thread new title and am now moving it to General Questions.

Incidentally, I don’t know the answer to the question, but if it is true I don’t see what’s so darned hi-larious about it. Pretty evil, in fact.

Thanks for the link Ross. I don’t see anything to laugh about here Starguard.

I spent 63-67 in Khartoum as a foreign service brat until the communists took over and AID (Agency for International Development) withdrew their personnel. The Sudan is an odd combination of cultural sophistication and extremely primitive brutality. I doubt the government mandates it, but I wouldn’t be at all surprised if they turn a blind eye to it. Life is very cheap in the Sudan.

You’re all correct. Its not funny at all and I apoligise to all that were offended. Its just the way he described it I didnt think for a minute that this could be true. My “friend” whose name I will not mention ** CARL** has been known to tell some pretty wild stories. I just thought that he had made this all up.

  • With all these fools here loafing off welfare ,maybe they outta start doing that here in Chicago eh :dubious: …(just kidding) * :smiley: