Are you a Male or a Female?

I yam what I yam. Which is a he-finch.

Girl. So I’m a She. Yup.

My milkshake brings all the boys to the yard. :wink:

I am a guy but then again I keep a picture in my profile unlike most people around here so its not a mystery or anything. :smiley:

I am a man.


Yep, corkboard is a male.

Oh wait! That was me. :wink:

I sing like Louis, only not so much on key.
<can’t have everything>

I’ve got a beard. And an appendage. You figure it out.

Why isn’t this a poll?

I think the last 3 letters of my username is a dead giveaway. I am woman, hear me roar.


could be short for Callista


I like the masculine pronoun to be used with my user name. However, it is interesting writing a response to someone without using pronouns. It provides a little extra challenge to the day.

See sig.

A lot of people have told me they thought I was male because my username has a masculine Latin ending, or something like that. One person said s/he thought I was a guy because it sounded like a spell in a video game.

Nope, totally unrelated.

I’m whatever you want me to be, baby!

(As long as whatever is being a man, that is.)

Also, your tagline “Massive Member” was a clue.

I am Maiira, female extraordinaire.

She, 51 and an actual grandma, not just grandmotherly. :smiley:

I am male.

You may address me as Herr Doktor

I am Spartacus!

No you’re not! You’re Batman!

Girl here.
Odd…no one has ever referred to me as a “he” here. :stuck_out_tongue: