Are You a Panty/Bra Matcher?

I always match. It started when I was in the Navy – I felt a little more feminine in my uniforms if I knew I had something pretty on underneath. Mostly I wear white or black sets – as has been stated, it is hard to find matching sets in colors or prints with bra cups at D or above. I do have a nice red set, and one set in navy blue. I’d love a leopard set. BTW, I also always wear thongs. Maybe we should rename this thread “Stuff you didn’t need to know…”

Do any of you ladies get a bikini wax when you plan on wearing your lace stockings?

That would be monotnous, as all my bras are black.
I have a lot of black undies, but not all.
No one is going to see them anyway. For the time being.
No, I’ve never had a bikini wax, and I don’t want to.

I love sentences like that…you see, for a guy, we’re ALWAYS planning on getting laid. To read that you soft and curvy types plan for it…is…well…stimulating.

Thank you Jessica. Jeez, now people I’ve never met know what colour I was wearing. At least I match better today; then again, you already know that. [side note: I would’ve worn red panties if I still had a pair. (No, I’m not telling what happened to them. That’s none of your business.)] I have a bad habit of showing or telling people what my undergarments are like that day, especially if it matches my outfit.


*Originally posted by poohpah chalupa *

Ummmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm no…those seem like they would hurt…I dunno, I’m not THAT kinky that I’d want some chick fiddling around down there w/hot wax :stuck_out_tongue:


I almost never match. Ain’t nobody around to apprieciate it anyway, why bother? My panties are in various colours and patterns, and almost all my bras are plain white, I think one might have a litte lace on it… I own exactly one pair of matching bra & panties. They’re tie-dye :smiley:

It’s been a couple of years since my panty raid days, but no, I never had a matched set on my trophy wall.

I try to match my bra with the blouse I am wearing, especially if the blouse is of a thinner material. Same thing with the panties; especially if I am wearing white pants: black panties might show through.

Once a long time ago when I was working as a nurse’s aid in a nursing home, the charge nurse told me I couldn’t wear colored or patterned underwear with the white uniform pants because they showed through and looked unprofessional.

Um. I guess I match by default.

Again the problem of finding cute matching sets for big boobs. And I like simple plain white. (Or racy black lace for the happy aspect.) That’s about it, I’m not big into colors or patterns on underware. If you have the opportunity to care I shouldn’t be wearing it.

Though I had a silver phase for about a year of high school.

Medea’s Child, I always thought that the material the silver bras and things were made of looked awfully uncomfortable, how’d you manage that for a year?


Since I pretty exclusively (actually, by now, entirely) wear Warner’s bras and Victoria’s Secret panties, I don’t have matched sets, exactly. But there are combinations that I’ve sort of declared as being “sets” that I generally makes something of an attempt to pull out of the drawer together. It’s more important when I want to feel pretty, or just generally nice. And of course, first you resolve the “can this be seen through my clothing” issue.

It depends. I currently only have white bras (I’m getting old), so on white panty days, yes. On all other days, no.