I resisted getting black shoes, because I hated them as a kid- only black allowed for church. Keep the black pair shiny.
But I had to buy shoes and there’s so much black this season.
So I got slides, and now I can’t wear anything else. The main thing I like is the extra height without having thin heels.
But I feel like I was manipulated into buying a color I wouldn’t have.
Heck No. I don’t pay $50 dollars for any one piece of clothing. I nearly had a breakdown once when I bought a $70 dollar pair of work shoes (which did fine, incidentally).
I actually go out of my way to avoid any clothing with somebody’s name splattered across it. I by the cheapest genericest single colorest stuff I can find. My fashion statement is proudly and simply: subdued comfort
Yes, I fear, in that I immediately discard anything that comes into style. My anti-fashion sentiments are so vehement that I have to keep up with fashion to avoid accidentally stepping in it.
Which has, ironically, served me well: I’ve worked in fashion in the past, and since most fashion trends are a reaction to the previous ones, I was able to anticipate quite a few of them.
I’m with lissener. At one point (many, many years ago) I actually quit wearing hoop earrings because they were fashionable. I HATE wearing what everyone else is wearing.
Plus, being a mommy, I would feel stupid in some of the younger looking fashions. I go to school, so I don’t have to be dressed up. I mostly wear comfort clothes, although I do try for a generic dressy/casual thing when I can.
I have gone through an entire mall before, and not found one thing I wanted. Fashions are so predictable, and I’m allergic to “predictable”. What I can’t make myself, I get at yard sales. I’m too cheap to spend big bucks to look like everybody else.
Well, I shop at Victoria’s Secret. I also shop at Deb’s, Vanity, Wal-Mart, Pamida, Target, Pacific Sun, and JCPenny. I wouldn’t say I’m a “slave” to fashion though.
I only wear designer clothes, because they are so much better. I can see getting a $5 shirt when you just want to cover up, but I like to make a statement. Have you ever felt a pair of meijer jeans and a pair of CK? The bargain brands feel like sandpaper, the good stuff is very soft. Girls don’t want to cut themselves on your pants.
Funny, I’m wearing an ugly mauve “Fort Lauderdale” t-shirt and black jeans (bought them in special too) but… I’m also wearing 500$CAN Mephisto classic shoes, top of the line. I know, it sounds crazy, but those are the world best and most comfortable shoes…
In any case, that doesn’t make me a slave to fashion (although it is fashion-priced), since I only know one regular wearer of Mephisto shoes and those shoes are long lasting, so this is just not for a fad…
I go for comfort. If a brand name is a little more expensive than the generic, but the quality seems to be a lot better, I don’t mind paying the extra money. But I do have limits - I won’t spend more than $25 on pants, and more than $15 on a shirt. Shoes I have a looser budget on cause I have flat feet and cheap shoes absolutely kill me. For that, I don’t mind spending more money, because in the long run it’ll be better.
I have one rule, though: I am not a billboard. I will not, not, not, not, not (get it?) wear any shirt that advertises a company. For that, they ought to pay ME. (By this I mean clothing companies - I do have t-shirts with my school logo, and a SF Giants sweatshirt.)
If a current fashion appeals to me, I might go for it, but it’s not very likely. I’m certainly not a slave to fashion, I couldn’t care less what Cosmo says everyone NEEDS for this fall.
I buy almost all of my wardrobe at thrift stores. I work with what I can get my hands on. I wear whatever will give me the most comfort while making me look the least stupid. That’s about the best I can do.