Well, the RMD era has officially drawn to a close, and it is the dawning of the age of Emanuel. What do you all think? Irrational exuberance? Cautious optimism? Or insidious dread?
I’ll go with cautious optimism.
I think he’s an intelligent guy, he seems to have a good team and Og knows I have a vested interest in seeing him make things get better in this city, considering I live here.
I know I wouldn’t touch that job with a ten thousand foot pole right now, so kudos to Rahm for having the nerve to try.
A coupla thoughts on Rahm Emanuel…
One thing I think is on his side is that I truly believe he loves Chicago too much to do too much damage. Then again, I also truly believe that Daley loves Chicago just as much, if not more, and he did as much harm as he did good.
And…it appears that Emanuel is yet another politician who has a personal vendetta against teachers…