Are you sick of "celebrity culture?"

I lost interest in attractive celebrities when I noticed I was old enough to be their father. By now, I’m older than their grandfathers.

Marilyn Monroe, Rita Hayworth, Sophia Loren — Now there were some celebrities worth worshiping!

They were old enough to be your mom.

Trebec needing money seems strange to me. He reportedly makes $10M per year as Jeopardy host. I don’t know he gets for doing those commercials, but I wish he found an honest job for his side gig.

What I find creepy is that A) many people would look at my shoes, an B) would know who also wears them. It was bad enough when women cared, but now there are men you will mug you for your Famous Guy’s shoes.

People can be good, people can be assholes. Be a good person, get a pass. Act like an entitled Asshat, F-ck Off. Works in grocery stores, at gas station islands, and along our highways.
Money doesn’t buy you a pass. Statuettes don’t buy you a pass. “But, I’m on that hit show… why are you upset when I piss on your leg?” will always get them knocked on their asses.

[Braying]“But Yer Honor…! It was a PrAaaaank…!” [/Braying]