Are you up for an evil reading challenge?

I’m sure many of you have seen the reading challenges that are sprouting up all over blogs this month. Read a book a week for a year! Read huge books! Read all sorts of things!

But my favorite reading challenge is different. It’s trashy and evil. It’s…The V. C. Andrews Reading Challenge! Yes, you must commit to reading 11 books in the next year, and only the ‘good ones’ (from before the author’s death, I think?) count.

Does anyone think it’s even possible to read that many gothic incest novels before all the brain cells die? I guess we’ll find out if we stay tuned…

I loved the Flowers in the Attic series (read the first one when I was in 8th or 9th grade), but couldn’t get through any of the others. Don’t think I want to try again! :slight_smile:

Sorry but I have suffered enough, having taken a challenge to read 6 Harlequin romances last summer.

Oh, how I loved V.C. Andrews when I was 14. But I think I’ll skip this one. :slight_smile:

Should I mention there is a small attic off my daughters room that a twin bed would fit in?

Creeps me the hell out.

I’ll bow out of this challenge. :slight_smile:

Can it be retroactive? I read all of these series: Dollanganger, Casteel, Cutler and Landry and the first books of a couple of others…not as many years ago as one would think!

Ha! When I first read the challenge I thought, “Woah…flash back to ninth grade!” It appears that I wasn’t the only one with that response. I really enjoyed them when I was fourteen, but I don’t think I’d like them at all now. Sorry, no evil reading challenge for me.

One summer in college, I read the entire Sweet Valley High series published up to that date.

Wow. And I thought I was bad for buying the ‘‘Bunnicula’’ anthology as an adult.

I read the Dawn series when I was young, but I think that was after V.C. Andrews died. She really left a legacy for incest, didn’t she?

I think Philippa Gregory must have been a V.C. Andrews fan.