I read about Americans, both young and old, doing really real neat things to improve their corner of the world. They’re cleaning trash from streams, driving smaller cars, living in downsized homes, converting to solar, reducing lawn herbicides, keeping colder/warmer homes, conserving water, composting, recycling, the whole green enchilada. Perhaps some of these measures are co-driven by finances, but still … They’re doing meaningful things and are responsible caretakers.
When I look at my extended family, it’s totally different. Jetting here and there for vacations or get-away weekends is commonplace. So is piling into gas-guzzlers to see one of dozens of distant friends. They will crisscross large cities just to shop at special sale and take long, 8- to 10-hour car trips in huge SUVs to visit distant family, beaches, vacation homes, etc – and I’m talking lots and lots of these trips. Skiing in Banff or Park City? Hey, let’s go! Looking back, I do not recall a single conversation we have ever had about our embattled environment and our responsibility as stewards. There may be growing concerns nationally over fossil fuels, but not in my family. It’s never, ever mentioned. It’s for someone else to worry about and sacrifice for.
Same story with my clients, who are wealthy. They jet, boat, travel, consume, etc. at prodigious rates and seemingly care not a wit about their impact on the environment. Burning up hundreds and hundreds of gallons of diesel on a yacht or fishing boat is commonplace. So is traveling by private jet – even to go to a party or watch a football game just 150 miles away. I can’t imagine any of them ever sacrificing or cutting back for “the common good.” They would scoff at the idea. Sacrificing even a little for others is simply not in their DNA. I’ve seen some running a huge complex of lawn sprinklers during bans on watering of gardens. There is no sense of a common cause as Americans. Of course, our leaders in Washington DC never, ever ask us to sacrifice.
Perhaps this is the norm. Perhaps the green folks profiled in news stories are exceptions. Compared to the behaviors discussed above, my consumption levels are well below the norm. I care and do what I can to make my corner of the world cleaner and greener, though I don’t have solar panels on my roof or (totally) abstain from eating beef. I have cut back on lawn fertilizer, stopped watering the lawn, wash my car very rarely, and now drive a smaller car. When the electric grid is burdened by overuse during weather extremes, I reduce my usage. I keep a cool house in winter. I am concerned about the world our grandchildren will inherit. Perhaps people feel there isn’t anything they can do to help improve the environment, other than to recycle their trash, so why even talk about it? Perhaps the idea of an environmental esprit de corps is naive. Meanwhile, I imagine people in Europe have a much more enlightened mindset.
My username is Caribbean Cruiser. The last time I’ve taken a cruise is five or six years ago. Still, feel free to roast me!
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