I should have known better. I’m in a LiveJournal community where members share episodes of a TV show, and they do it by posting it to a site called YouSendIt, where you can post big files and folks can download them. For the first time last night I downloaded one, and it came with a “prize.”
When I opened Windows Media Player, up popped an installation screen for a program called “Second Thought.” I dismissed the screen but apparently this didn’t matter, because the software was installed on my machine. I did a little research on it and tried Spybot, but that didn’t work so I downloaded a spyware program called “Spyware Nuker” and ran a deep scan on my machine. It detected Second Thought (along with several others) and, following a reboot, ran the scan again and said that it found no spyware on my machine.
I tested it by pulling up Windows Media Player again (on a different file–I had already deleted the TV show file) and didn’t get anything strange. Phew, I said to myself, that takes care of that.
However, later on today I tried to listen to a song snippet from Amazon and there was that damned installation screen again! :mad: I’m running the Nuker scan again right now and it’s finding all kinds of things that weren’t there this morning. I’m sure it’s this “Second Thought” thing’s fault (well, that and normal cookies, which I don’t mind).
So…does anybody know what I can do to permanently delete this piece of garbage from my machine? I’d hate not to be able to use Windows Media Player anymore. Once Nuker gets rid of it again, should I reinstall WinMedia? Or is there something else I need to do? This is really annoying me.
Thanks in advance.